Condition-Based Maintenance
Bolsters the Bottom Line in Transportation

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Most industries today use a variety of maintenance strategies. Studies show that the average facility spends over half its maintenance budget on highly expensive reactive, “run-to-failure” maintenance strategies where maintenance only occurs after a piece of equipment fails. Alternative proactive maintenance strategies include preventive approaches that are calendar- or runtime-based, and condition-based strategies that use different combinations of either manual or automatic data collection and analysis, and predictive maintenance strategies that use model-based learning systems to more accurately estimate asset lifecycles and give operators more time to plan capital expenditures and maximize availability.

Proactive maintenance strategies use corrective, preventive and predictive processes to complement one another and have clear monetary benefits. Industry studies indicate that using utilizing predictive and proactive maintenance practices reduces costs of reactive maintenance by 45%, not including associated down time.

CBM is generally defined as a set of maintenance processes guided by the collection of asset data to ensure maintenance is performed only when needed. Unlike calendar-based maintenance strategies, CBM leverages asset data to reconcile maintenance schedules with actual asset conditions, organizational priorities and changes in the operating environment. 

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