Are Cultural Tours Built on Exploitation?

Lets say a tour group visits a Native American community, buys some jewelry, listens to a storyteller, tastes some fry bread, then leaves. Questions arise that might not apply to a generic walking tour of Chicago.Who brought in the tourists? Who controls the storytelling? Whos making money off this? Are the tourists patronizing Native-owned businesses and staying at Native-owned accommodations? These questions apply to indigenous communities around the world, historically black neighborhoods in cities like Paris and New York, and other spaces defined by non-white groups.



TravelBank is the all-in-one expense management and business travel platform, powering data-backed financial decisions for more than 15,000 companies. TravelBank helps reduce company expenditure by 30% on average while improving employee happiness through a user-friendly design, fast expense reimbursements, and travel rewards program.

Travel Technology

Blockchain Technology in Travel Insurance

Article | May 5, 2023

Most people associate the term "blockchain" with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Ethereum. Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies, but it is also a technology in its own right that has many uses. Blockchain is an immutable ledger that tracks transactions and assets, like cash and patents. All parties have access to the same data simultaneously, eliminating intermediaries and making it a cost-effective way to track assets. It could, for example, track a flight delay and automatically refund a customer’s money. A German blockchain start-up Etherisc launched an insurance product, FlightDelay, which uses blockchain to automatically issue policies and execute payouts for flight delays and cancellations on around 80 airlines. Customers can buy policies with cryptocurrency and receive claims in cryptocurrency. Flight delays are where blockchain-based insurance can make a difference in the travel insurance domain. Data on delays and cancellations is readily accessible, and all assist in automatic payments. This way, companies that offer flight insurance can avoid higher claims-processing costs and save on data protection costs because blockchain is secure. U.S. Insurance Regulations Prevent Blockchain-based Travel Insurance In the U.S, there is a need for state-by-state approval for changes in regulations. Blockchain’s appearance in the U.S. insurance industry may take another ten or fifteen years. However, the potential of blockchain-based insurance products is huge. Insurance companies can sell them at much lower costs compared to traditional insurance products. Blockchain Can Change the Travel Insurance Business Interestingly, the U.S. already has an insurance product similar to FlightDelay but none of them have the blockchain component. Called ‘parametric insurance’, an auto payout is done when some parameter is violated. Using blockchain technology to offer this insurance could save money and enable insurers to pass on some of the savings to the customers. Insurance industry experts think blockchain will definitely make a mark in the travel insurance domain and can change the way travel insurance businesses operate at large.

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Hospitality Management

Business Turnaround Expert Cites Keys to a COVID-19 Comeback

Article | June 19, 2023

The September 11th attacks. The Great Recession. The COVID-19 pandemic. All three of these seismic and tragic events have resulted in heartbreak to humanity, including loss of life and our emotional well-being both individually and collectively. Of course, accompanying these global crises were monetary meltdowns reminiscent of the Great Depression that commenced in 1929 and lingered until the late 1930s. After a “relatively” calm 70 years, the United States economy has suffered three devastating developments inside the last two decades, alone. There have been wars fought throughout the world and inflation escalations along the way, to be sure, but the start to the 21st century has suffered escalating and unusually concentrated economic calamities some that have profoundly altered the very fabric of our lives, both personally and professionally. Indeed, on the business front, such periods have been among the most perhaps the unequivocal most trying of times. Amid current circumstances as the coronavirus rages on around the globe, I recently connected with internationally-renowned business restructuring executive James “Jim” Martin, founder of ACM Capital Partners with offices in Charlotte, Denver and Miami. Having spent the last three decades leading international middle-market companies through periods of distress and transition to actualize stability and growth, Martin is uniquely well-positioned to share insights on how business can rally to best assure a “COVID comeback.” Here’s what he had to say. MK: First, before addressing the current coronavirus situation, what can you tell us about how you’ve helped companies navigate previous “rough waters”? JM: Relative to the September 11th attacks back in 2001, I’ll share a representative example of a strategic pivot that didn’t just help a company survive, but actually drove profit. After that horrendous event, I stepped in to assist a large aviation maintenance repair-and-overhaul facility whose revenue had been cut fully in half immediately following the attacks the result of many carriers permanently parking older aircraft (including the 727 fleet). The sizable challenge presented was to maintain a 1000-person labor force while allowing the industry the necessary time to recover. To do so, we created a captive subcontracting company to which we transferred one-third of our labor force. During our troughs, we contracted this labor to our competitors and, during peak periods, we utilized this labor for ourselves. Thus, not only were we able to retain our skilled, well-oriented labor force during the recovery, but that very staff actually provided additional, supplemental profit. The end result was that we sold the business for $138 million, which provided our new investors with a 33 percent internal rate of return (IRR). Less than a decade after 9/11, amid The Great Recession in 2008, I entered another industry that proved to be among the most brutalized by a global economic downturn: automotive supply. My client was a key supplier to the “Big 3” U.S. auto manufacturers. At the start of 2008, the industry forecast was the production of 18 million vehicles in North America. Come summer, however, it was clear the automakers would not come near reaching that forecast due to the financial crisis. This did not come as a complete surprise to us, though, because amid our firm’s protocols we had had already fully immersed ourselves in our client’s industry and employed forecasting tools alerting us of trends ... this one in the wrong direction. So, we were privy to the situation well before management and others within the industry. By late June 2008, we instituted cost-cutting maneuvers and furloughs that enabled the company to withstand the industry’s brutal second half of ’08 that would result in two of the “Big 3” automakers filing for Chapter 11. Despite the industry producing less than half—as much as eight million—of its original vehicle-production forecast, our client not only survived, but ultimately grew and prospered. MK: Turning attentions to COVID-19, what do you feel is integral for businesses to survive and recover? JM: For businesses to recover from the coronavirus shutdown, it’s going to take a two-pronged approach: both financial and human capital. Starting with the financial, it will be a “loan-ly” world for those not well-versed in the intricacies of SBA, PPP and other “economic disaster” lending. Consider how expeditiously those programs were rolled out. Then consider how even more quickly they were scooped up. Did anyone really read those loan documents in full, or even halfway through, initially or even to this day? My guess is at least half of the companies receiving COVID-related loans took a very “CliffsNotes” approach to these agreements. The result is there’s a solid chance funds were used incorrectly, which is going to make a lot of the loans, shall we say, less “forgivable.” For example, if your company’s payroll roster is shorter today than it was pre-virus, the portion of the loans forgiven is likely to be less. And while your mind may rush to claiming ignorance and throwing yourself upon the mercy of the government to which you already pay taxes, realize that third-party capital is likely to participate in this market through securitization. This means that thousands of SBA loans could be bought, then packaged to be sold to the secondary market, at a discounted rate, no less. If this happens, understand that the purchasers will have the full intention of holding their borrowers (i.e. small business owners) to paying back 100 cents on the dollar. So, those companies who received loans and are required, but unable, to pay them back in full may be exposed to either foreclosure or, worse, a “loan to own” scenario. In other words, much like the agreement that comes with your big-tech user agreements, like those prompting users to “click agree,” the fine print matters. What this means to recovery is that, once again, cash is king: gather it; preserve it; cease lines of credit; liquidate what you can; negotiate costs down with suppliers. And if your company had a healthy bottom line pre-COVID, than a professional familiar with these trenches can help you look to refinance or bring in equity. With all of that said, the key to a COVID-19 recovery is going to be adhering to the rules of a lender’s road, as well as the ability to navigate the red tape when you veer off that road. If you have read all the fine print and properly managed your loan, congratulations! You’ve acquired some really cheap capital. For those who didn’t do their research, however, this road to recovery likely will need some paving. MK: What about the human capital you mentioned? JM: Yes, and then we arrive at the human capital. Lots of companies today are excessively top-heavy. Remember the part about removing emotions from this process? Companies that quickly recognize cuts need to be made will be better positioned to recover than those who dawdle. Again, compiling and preserving cash is going to best position a business for recovery. This is an instance where it’s especially beneficial to know when to pull triggers (best if earlier than others) and to make decisions that are not based on emotions a tall order for many CEOs, which is why many turn to turnaround experts. However it’s undertaken, what’s certain is that reducing human capital is painful, but it is also often necessary and almost always beneficial. The upside is that, when the virus no longer exits, businesses can already be well-positioned for a fairly quick recovery. Maybe not v-shaped sans a vaccine, but quick relatively speaking due to the downturn having been so specific to one singular causing factor. MK: Tell us a bit about your role as and general value of a turnaround expert when turmoil strikes a business. JM: During times of difficulty, owners and executives can greatly benefit from specialized knowledge that’ll help them best navigate those unchartered waters that are often entangled in a lot of red tape. So, turnaround experts bring to the table a litany of tried-and-true “been there, weathered that” experience and expertise. There’s simply no substitute for engaging with a partner whose entire mandate is ensuring your company’s survival and success during some of the most grim and challenging times it might experience those professionals who are willing to spend sleepless nights figuring out how to ensure the company meets payroll; who’ll work around the clock to keep the company’s doors open; and who can tackle challenges without being hindered by emotions that understandably weigh on a business owner or manager. It takes this kind of specialized expertise, experience and grit to lead companies through periods of distress and transition, to stability and growth. No stranger to corporate chaos, during Martin’s own three decades as a globally-regarded turnaround expert, he has reportedly created and restored nearly $1.5 billion in value to lower middle-market companies; raised an additional $1 billion in capital; and managed mergers and acquisitions in excess of $500 million all collectively representing his company restructuring portfolio valuation in excess of $3 billion. Today, as the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on business operations far and wide, take heed that there are various key strategic and creative tactics that can help businesses not only weather the storm, but even emerge stronger and more financially secure on the other side.

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Hospitality Management

Checkout 25 Travel Management Companies Transforming Industry in 2023

Article | July 24, 2023

Discover the solutions and services of the top 25 revolutionary travel management companies that are transforming the industry in 2023. Integrate the one adhering your business needs and budget. Businesses seeking stress-free and streamlined corporate travel solutions can rely on travel management companies. These experts provide customized travel arrangements, taking care of every aspect of business travel, from flight and hotel bookings to travel policy compliance, support, car rentals, and more. With advanced technology and online booking tools, they offer cost-effective deals while ensuring adherence to corporate travel policies. Additionally, they empower businesses to design their travel expense policies, resulting in an enhanced corporate travel experience for employees. 1 Expertise in Field Travel management companies (TMCs) are experts in the field of business travel. They handle emergencies with proper understanding and remedy measures. Some travel risk management companies are specially devised for this purpose. 2 Being More Organized TMCs organize the operations of business travel more efficiently. Business travel involves massive paperwork, especially in big groups and itineraries. The paperwork associated with corporate travel is managed by international travel agencies in a way that is organized, thereby enabling travel companies to allocate their attention to other crucial matters. 3 Making Informed Decisions Employees must adhere to the corporate travel program or policy when they travel for business. Travel policies vary across different organizations and typically encompass guidelines that employees are obliged to follow while traveling. They make travel decisions for the company according to their travel policy. TMCs also advise employees to meet business travel requirements without breaking the company travel policy. 4 Enhanced Networking TMCs have established relationships with travel and hospitality companies worldwide over the years sent in the industry. Business travel companies or clients could get exclusive rates on travel occasions through TMCs. They provide better deals within a travel budget than any direct travel booking. 5 Expense management TMCs are specialized in finding and negotiating the best travel deals with enterprise providers and partners. They have special access to lower rates on the airline, hotel rooms, and transportation. As a result, they reduce overall business travel costs and offer competitive name-brand selections. 6 Business Travel Support The companies can reach out to the travel consultant day and night with business travel support. Furthermore, the employees are free from the stress of tracking various vendors, as they can get all of them on one platform, which is accessible through a variety of different channels. Top 25 Revolutionary Travel Management Companies To enhance their business growth, travel companies can utilize the following list of travel management companies as a reference: 1. Emburse More than 12 million business professionals, including CFOs, finance teams, and travelers, trust Emburse in spend optimization for expense, travel management, and payment solutions. It helps FORTUNE 100 corporations, startups, public sector agencies, and nonprofit organizations, through automation, analytics, and spending control. It streamlines processes and increases spending visibility, compliance, and positive financial outcomes. 2. East West Hospitality East West Hospitality has more than 30 years of success in businesses like association, vacation rental and property management, developer support, hotels, spas, fitness, restaurants, and retail operations. It simplifies complicated travel operations. It makes stay effortless with its extensive experience and local expertise. It offers memorable destination experience through its trusted hospitality services. 3. Wexas Travel Management Wexas Travel Management is a full-service travel provider to companies and organizations that travel on business. It works with businesses in different sectors like financial, legal, marine, oil and gas, insurance and pharmaceuticals. Its consultant-managed and digital tools are customized to individual requirements. With the support of a well-established account management team, it provides a broad range of travel-related services. 4. Nomadix With over 25 years of experience, Nomadix has over 5 million daily internet connections in 150 countries. It helps hotel and property owners, brands, property management groups, and managed service providers (MSPs) with solutions like internet access gateways, application management appliances, visitor-based networks, digital voice assistants, bandwidth management, and managed Wi-Fi. 5. HotelKey HotelKey has direct connectivity to major OTAs or GDS channels. Its all-in-one system includes core PMS, built-in CRS distribution, automated revenue management, property website hosting, and a no-commission direct bookings engine. In addition, its platform provides web apps for the back of the house and mobile apps for the front desk, housekeeping, and maintenance teams. 6. Bonotel Exclusive Travel Bonotel Exclusive Travel, an inbound tour operator for luxury travel, offers exclusive deluxe hotels, resorts, and upscale boutique properties. It has a vast network of suppliers, direct access to the international client base, and tour operators worldwide. It has developed strong business relations with tour operators and can provide access to hotel partners which makes it unique. 7. Peachtree Hospitality Management Peachtree Hospitality Management, a division of Peachtree Hotel Group, is a best-in-class hotel management company that creates loyalty among the stakeholders like associates, guests, and owners. Its proprietary systems and processes maximize financial performance, enhancing efficiency and customer experience. In addition, it provides dedicated hotel management services with the extension of expertise to owners as a third-party hotel manager. 8. AmTrav AmTrav enhances the productivity of business travel. It offers services for expense management, corporate travel, software, travel productivity, and business travel management. In addition, its platform provides personal service with travel experts and relationship managers through advanced technology, which is helpful for business travelers, travel arrangers, and travel managers. 9. Boatsetter Boatsetter, a leisure, travel & tourism company, is specialized in boat rental and charter, collaborative consumption, marine industry, travel, and adventure. It has partnered with GEICO and BoatUS to design an exclusive Peer-to-Peer Boat Rental Policy, inspiring boat owners’ engagement and encouraging entrepreneurship on the water. It helps to review the booking requests and inquiries from renters, manage all their bookings on the website or the application, and the payouts, which are processed quickly and connected to their bank account directly. 10. Norse Atlantic Airways Norse Atlantic Airways offers affordable transatlantic flights with environment-friendly and comfortable Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. It offers affordable fares to destinations and service on board modern and fuel-efficient Dreamliners for corporate and personal travel. It strengthens the employer-employee relationship and has entered into collective bargaining agreements with cabin crew and pilot unions in the U.S., U.K. and Norway. It incorporates a low-cost business model and approach for the cost-efficient airline without prior financial restraints. 11. InsureMyTrip InsureMyTrip, an online travel insurance comparison site, serves customers worldwide with its licensed customer services. Its unique customer advocacy program provides assistance throughout the travel journey. It provides recommendations of best plans per the trip details and the best travel insurance plan that matches the traveler’s need, irrespective of the commission or company, with a money-back guarantee. In addition, its licensed representatives, Anytime Advocates, help with the insurance claim process. 12. Sonder Inc. Sonder Inc., a hospitality company, provides a seamless business travel management experience through technology and innovation. It offers a variety of accommodation options, from rooms to suites and apartments. Its application empowers guests with self-service features and 24/7 support. Without any formality, it offers simple self-check-in to boutique bathroom amenities. 13. Operto Guest Technologies Operto Guest Technologies, a hospitality automation and IoT operating system for vacation rentals, hotels, and serviced apartments, is revolutionizing hospitality management. It provides personalized stays, contactless check-in, guest satisfaction, operational efficiency and more revenue opportunity through technology that connects teams, guests, managers, smart devices and ancillary third-party service providers. With purpose-built software and smart IoT devices, it offers property managers unique real-time visibility and control. Its automation features include integrated keyless entry, energy savings, noise and occupancy monitoring, and personalized in-suite technology. 14. Life House Life House is a vertically integrated hotel software, brand, and management company. It provides operational expertise to build robust software to enhance profitability and operational ease in independent hotels. It specializes in hotel software development, financial reporting, interior design, product management and operations, hotel management, and enterprise SaaS. 15. PCH Hotels and Resorts PCH Hotels and Resorts is a franchised management company with Marriott. Beginning with the acquisition of the Grand Hotel Resort & Spa, PCH has grown to become the top hospitality employer in Alabama. Currently, PCH manages four Renaissance Marriott resort properties, three Marriott resort properties, one Autograph Collection resort, one select service IHG property, and one Outlet Shop. Each property is minutes from the extensive world-class Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail. 16. Spotnana Spotnana powers unparalleled global travel experiences. It modernizes the travel industry's infrastructure to bring travelers freedom, simplicity, and trust everywhere. Its travel-as-a-service platform makes travel simpler and affordable for corporations. It's our ecosystem of agency, supplier, and technology provider partners to increase operational efficiency, new revenue opportunities, and innovation. 17. GetYourGuide GetYourGuide is a travel bookingplatform connecting travel enthusiasts, experts, and technologists with people. It helps in discovering the destination’s best activities and attractions. In addition, it simplifies the digital travel reality by offering data-driven insights, technology, and market expertise through its destination management company database. 18. VTrips VTrips offers services for vacation rental property management, guest management with dedicated property managers and best advertising and marketing approach. It is the premier property management company serving in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. It also provides vacation rental guest experiences through its quality management and personalized services for real estate and corporate travel. 19. specializes in OTA, flight tickets, hotel booking, train tickets, and internet services. It has an extensive hotel network for a diverse choice of accommodation. Its flight network has over 2 million individual flight routes connecting more than 5,000 cities around the globe. It combines 24/7 English customer service and various travel products necessary for a successful trip. 20. Deem, Inc. Deem, Inc., a corporate travel booking software, helps in policy adherence, better travel decisions, employee engagement, and cost control through secure solutions. It allows travel managers to customize their travel programs. It integrates into travel and expense management companies & travel agencies with powerful APIs and design. 21. Mondee Holdings, Inc. Mondee Holdings, Inc is a group of travel technology, service, and content companies driving innovation in the leisure, corporate, and retail travel markets. It delivers a revolutionary technology platform of SaaS, mobile, and cloud products and services to a global customer base. Major corporations, SMBs, travel agencies, and new gig economy workers use its easy-to-use technology platforms to access global travel content, services, and products. Corporations like Rocketrip and TripPlanet trust it for cost-saving, employee safety, and sustainable future. 22. Priceline Priceline, a part of Booking Holdings, Inc., provides the best deals for hotel rooms, flights, rental cars, vacation packages and cruises. It specializes in online travel services and ecommerce through its internet publishing platform. It uses cloud computing to provide personalized and alternative recommendations for travel. 23. Egencia Egencia, an American Express Global Business Travel Company, is a B2B travel tech platform. As part of the valuable marketplace in business travel, it provides data insights and AI-driven innovation that power the travel programs of 9000+ companies in more than 60 countries. It specializes in online business travel booking, purchasing, technology, travel management, corporate travel management, and travel app. 24. Forbes Travel Guide Forbes Travel Guide renders hotel, restaurant, and spa reviews, travel advice, learning tools, service training, guest experience, and customer services. Its star rating standards reflect the industry's highest levels of service and facility measurement worldwide. With experience in the industry, it provides more reliable information about the travel recommendations and booking. 25.ADTRAV ADTRAV provides technology solutions for business travel management of corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Through the help of federal contractors, it maintains compliance with federal travel regulations and fulfills the audit requirements of the DCAA with its government travel expertise. Conclusion Collaboration with travel management companies has many advantages, like expense management, business travel support, enhanced networking, making informed decisions, being more organized, and expertise in the field. However, business travel must integrate with the companies according to their budgets and requirements. The travel companies must keep aside the stress of planning, booking & tracking the travel vendors for employees' business travel and rely on TMCs for a cost-effective and comfortable corporate travel experience.

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Hospitality Management

Discover Top 10 Books on Hospitality Management to Elevate Expertise

Article | June 20, 2023

Elevate your expertise with these must-read hospitality management books offering a comprehensive guide to enhance your skills, providing industry trends-related insights and live cases & examples. In the constantly evolving hospitality industry, professionals must stay abreast of the latest trends and insights. Whether you are an industry veteran, an aspiring hospitality worker, or a student pursuing a degree in hospitality management, the right books can provide you with valuable knowledge and direction. The growth of the hospitality industry on a global scale has led to the emergence of a wide range of exceptional books that cover various topics. These include digital marketing strategy, e-commerce tourism, personal experiences, practical advice, and in-depth industry analysis. This curated selection of ten top books on hospitality management offers valuable insights into the industry, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and enhance your expertise in the field. 1. Unreasonable Hospitality Author Name: Will Guidara For professionals in the hospitality and tourism sector looking to advance their knowledge of hospitality management, the book Unreasonable Hospitality: The Extraordinary Power of Giving People More Than They Expect is a must-read. One of the books on hospitality management written by Will Guidara, a former co-owner of the famous eatery Eleven Madison Park, it imparts essential lessons and insights from his journey to turn the struggling business into the world's best restaurant. Guidara emphasizes the transformative power of going above and beyond anticipation through extreme alterations, a strong collaboration between the kitchen and dining room, and remarkable, personalized kindness experiences. This national bestseller book encourages readers to discover the wonder in their work and produce incredible experiences for others with its captivating anecdotes and industry experts' wisdom. 2. Be Our Guest: Revised and Updated Edition Author Name: Theodore B. Kinni Be Our Guest: Revised and Updated Edition: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service (The Disney Institute Leadership Series) is one of the essential hospitality management books for industry professionals seeking to improve their customer service skills. Based on the renowned Disney methodology, this book emphasizes exceeding customer expectations beyond mere satisfaction. The book reveals exceptional business strategies that underpin the enchantment of quality service, using insights not typically found in conventional workplaces. Whether one works in hotels, restaurants, or any other hospitality-related industry, reading this book on hospitality management will help envision new opportunities and provide techniques for exceptional customer experiences. In addition, Kinni has published twenty books on topics covering sales, marketing and leadership, targeting hospitality management as the focused audience. 3. First Class Travel on a Budget: How to Hack Your Credit Cards to Book Incredible Trips for Less Author Name: Zachary Abel Discover the secrets for five-star vacation on a specific back pocket budget with "First Class Travel on a Budget: How to Hack Your Credit Cards to Book Incredible Trips for Less." In this insightful guide, Zachary Burr Abel shares his expertise in navigating airline loyalty programs, credit card promotions, and hidden travel fees. With actionable advice and humorous anecdotes, reading this hospitality and tourism management book will help professionals learn how to fly first class, find deals on rental cars and hotels, earn airline points, and maximize credit card rewards. This invaluable resource is a must-read for anyone in the hospitality industry looking to elevate their expertise in managing travel and providing exceptional guest experiences. 4. Hospitality Management People Skills and Manners On and Off the Job Author Name: Lyn Pont PhD For professionals seeking to start their career or improve their career in hospitality, one of the must-reads hotel management books by Pont is Hospitality Management: People Skills and Manners On and Off the Job. This hospitality book covers various topics, including service, relationships, integrity, communication, personal image, and creativity. Focusing on soft skills and the cultural expectations of guests, Pont provides practical advice and industry insights to help readers excel in their careers. Whether you're a seasoned executive or new to the industry, this treasure trove of information will equip you with the necessary tools to deliver exceptional customer care, represent your organization with professionalism and confidence as well as help you to stand out in the competitive hospitality industry. 5. Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Author Name: Nigel G. Evans Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events is a comprehensive guide designed to equip students in the hospitality industry with essential strategic management principles. This exceptional book bridges the gap between theory and practical through industry-based case studies and examples, offering a deeper understanding of strategic management in the context of tourism, hospitality, and events. The third edition of this book features updated international case studies covering SMEs and large-scale businesses integrated throughout to show the various applications of strategic management theory, big data, artificial intelligence, sustainability, and innovation. With accessible language and helpful features, this resource is a valuable tool for students seeking to enhance their knowledge and excel in the dynamic field of tourism, hospitality, and events management. 6. Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business Author Name: Danny Meyer One of the bestselling hospitality and tourism management books, Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business, is a book by Danny Meyer, an acclaimed restaurateur behind successful ventures like Union Square Cafe and Shake Shack. Meyer shares his invaluable insights on developing a dynamic philosophy called Enlightened Hospitality, which focuses on fostering strong relationships within the organization and delivering exceptional customer satisfaction. It is one of the influential hospitality management books that draws from real-life experiences and teachings applicable to anyone in the hospitality industry or any business sector. This motivational work, considered a landmark in the field, provides valuable lessons for managers, executives, and staff, enhancing their effectiveness and deepening their appreciation for achieving excellence in their work to improve hospitality experience. 7. Operations Management in the Hospitality Industry Editor Name: Peter Szende, Alec N. Dalton (Editor), Michelle (Myongjee) Yoo To improve operations and enhance hospitality management expertise, the book titled ‘Operations Management in the Hospitality Industry’ is an essential resource for the tourism and hospitality experts. This book covers various topics crucial to operational success in restaurants, resorts, and other hospitality establishments, as well as equips readers with fundamental techniques and tools for analyzing and improving operational capabilities. With its comprehensive approach, incorporating key theories, frameworks, and industry examples, the book offers valuable knowledge for students preparing for their careers and working professionals. 8. Event Management for the Tourism and Hospitality Author Name: Bonita M. Kolb If you are looking for a comprehensive guide, Event Management for the Tourism and Hospitality Industries is a book designed to equip readers and practitioners in the hospitality industry with the essential knowledge and skills for planning, managing, and evaluating events. This book covers various topics, including visitor segmentation, budgeting, promotion, and post-event assessment, while addressing contemporary issues such as environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, technology, and community engagement. Through international case studies, readers will gain real-world insights and learn how to connect events with local heritage and culture, delivering personalized experiences to visitors. It is one of the best hospitality management books that includes a practical approach and detailed event plan outline. 9. Tourism Management Author Name: Stephen J. Page One of the best books for hospitality management and tourism by Stephen Page, Tourism Management provides a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of tourism. Currently in the 6th edition the book offers a global perspective on the industry, and will not only benefit students pursuing a degree, diploma, or simply studying the subject, but it will also help professionals in the tourism industry. This book includes content on contemporary issues affecting businesses, enhanced sustainable development strategies to overcome climate change challenges, and a section with different perspectives from China and South America on using taxation to limit travel air behaviour. Furthermore, it combines textual content and features case studies with diagrams, and images, offering valuable insights into the evolving landscape of tourism management. 10. Hospitality Management: A Brief Introduction Author Name: Roy C Wood An easy-to-operate introduction for students of hotel and hospitality management and hospitality studies, Hospitality Management: A Brief Introduction offers a concise and comprehensive overview of the hospitality industry, making it an essential read for students new to the industry. Authored by Roy Wood, an expert in academia and practice, this book covers key areas such as employee relations, accommodation and food management, marketing and sales, industry strategy, management roles, education, and future trends. By drawing on a range of established research and incorporating the perspective of the hospitality consumer, Wood provides readers with a well-rounded understanding of the industry's realities and challenges. This book is a valuable resource for anyone studying or working in hospitality management. Summing Up The hospitality industry is transforming rapidly, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer expectations, and emerging trends. As we look to the future, hospitality professionals must proactively stay ahead of the curve and elevate their expertise. These hospitality industry books empower readers to navigate the evolving landscape, embracing innovative practices and sustainability and delivering exceptional guest experiences. By advancing their knowledge and embracing essential insights and strategies, hospitality professionals can position themselves for success in the dynamic world of hospitality management operations.

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TravelBank is the all-in-one expense management and business travel platform, powering data-backed financial decisions for more than 15,000 companies. TravelBank helps reduce company expenditure by 30% on average while improving employee happiness through a user-friendly design, fast expense reimbursements, and travel rewards program.

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

Sonesta Announces First Sonesta Es Suites Ground Up Development

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

Sonesta International Hotels Corporation (Sonesta) today announced plans for the construction of a new Sonesta ES Suites in Port Charlotte, Florida. This new property, expected to open in Spring 2025, marks the first Sonesta ES Suites brand project developed from the ground up. "We are excited that Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be our first purpose-built location for the brand," said Brian Quinn, Sonesta's Chief Development Officer. "The Sonesta ES Suites brand stands out as an attractive choice for franchisees looking for an upscale option to capitalize on the continued dependable performance of extended stay hotels." "Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will benefit business travelers and tourists who are looking for accommodations near the beaches, golf courses, parks and other attractions that Port Charlotte has to offer," said Alan Lane, one of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte's owners. "The addition of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte to our diverse portfolio reflects Commonwealth Hotels' unwavering commitment to providing an unparalleled guest experience through visionary development, ethical practices and a steadfast dedication to superior service," said Jennifer Porter, President of Commonwealth Hotels, the hotel's management company. To be located at 1321 Claburn Circle in Port Charlotte, Florida, the Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be an upscale extended-stay hotel spanning four floors and offering 117 rooms with amenities including breakfast and dining services, an outdoor pool, fitness room, market pantry, guest laundry, onsite parking and more. The location of the new hotel is close to over 20 colleges and universities, two hospitals, more than 70 parks and recreational spaces, more than 12 miles of beaches, 14 golf courses and numerous other attractions. Guests of this location will be able to earn or redeem points in the award winning Sonesta Travel Pass loyalty program.

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Travel Technology, Airlines and Airports Group and LATAM Airlines Group Partner to Enhance Travel Experience Through NDC Technology

PR Newswire | January 22, 2024 Group, a leading travel service provider, announced today the signing of a new NDC agreement with LATAM Airlines Group. This agreement between the two companies aims to provide a contemporary and streamlined ticketing experience for global travellers. It also offers unparalleled connectivity to over 144 destinations covered by LATAM Airlines across 22 countries and regions, including Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania. The key benefit of this agreement is the adoption of NDC standard technology. This technology gives customers access to a complete and more comprehensive selection of airline offerings and the option to buy additional products, services, and add-ons such as baggage allowance and seats. Moreover, customers can access a broader range of ancillary services and more detailed information by browsing the change and cancellation policy section during checkout, leading to improved Group and LATAM Airlines Group's after-sales services. Juan Villanova, Sales Manager of for Spain and Latin America, comments: " is a cutting-edge online travel company that leads the way in technology. Our commitment is to improve our product offerings to guarantee the highest customer satisfaction. With this tech solution, our passengers will have access to an improved and more competitive selection of flights and products." The agreement will include integrating a shopping engine for ticket sales via some of Group's leading brands, offering a cost advantage to both suppliers and customers. Henk Van der Velde, Regional Director for Southern Europe and Latin America for Group's flight Department, adds: "We are delighted to collaborate with LATAM Airlines Group in the implementation of an NDC standard, and offer solutions for everyone via a shopping engine, which has yielded excellent results. I look forward to continuing this collaboration and bringing new features that positively impact our customer's travel experience." Andreas Schek, Vice President of Sales and Branding of LATAM Airlines Group, adds: "We are proud of this collaboration with Group on the implementation of the NDC standard, as it allows us to explore ways to enhance its efficiency further. This is a significant milestone in the future of distribution that will benefit our global customers."

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Travel Technology, Destination and Tourism

Exodus Adventure Travels Announces New Trips in Partnership with Royal Canadian Geographic Society

PR Newswire | January 23, 2024

Exodus Adventure Travels, the international award-winning leader in adventure travel, today announced its new 2024 RCGS Quests trips, a series of expert-led tours developed in partnership with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. These limited edition, small group trips are what travel legends are made of – adventures that are designed to offer travelers unparalleled opportunities to explore some of the planet's most awe-inspiring destinations and led by noted hosts in their respective fields. This year's line-up features such noted hosts as World Elephant Day co-founder, Patricia Sims; bestselling author, Robin Esrock; Indigenous education advocate, Charlene Bearhead, and others. "We are honored to partner with The Royal Canadian Geographical Society on these highly anticipated adventures," said Sam Seward, President at Exodus Adventure Travels. "This is our third year operating our RCGS Quests program, with continued demand to explore further and experience more, pushing these trips to new heights and featuring another stellar line-up of hosts to add even more depth to each itinerary." Exodus' 2024 RCGS Quests Series features the following six adventures: RCGS: Highlights of the Amalfi Coast with Scott Forsyth Discover the land of la dolce vita for a wondrous week on the Amalfi Coast led by an expert local guide and hosted by professional photographer and fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Scott Forsyth. Explore one of Europe's most dramatic stretches of coastline and be spellbound by this land's natural beauty and cultural treasures. The Host: Scott Forsyth is an award-winning photographer who specializes in Canadian landscapes. Devoted to exploring Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific and Arctic Ocean coastlines, Scott is a Fellow of both the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and the Explorer's Club and is Canadian Geographic's Photographer-In-Residence. Eight-day itinerary priced from $2,240 USD. Departing April 6, 2024 RCGS: Classic Kenya 4WD Safari with Patricia Sims No country, perhaps, is more synonymous with a classic African safari than Kenya. Step into scenes from 'Out of Africa' as you explore Kenya's best safari sites led by an expert local safari guide and hosted by award-winning Canadian filmmaker, Royal Canadian Geographical Society fellow and World Elephant Day co-founder, Patricia Sims. The Host: Patricia Sims is the co-founder of the annual World Elephant Day (Aug. 12), a global awareness campaign that brings attention to the critical threats facing elephants. From swimming with wild dolphins and whales in oceans around the world to getting up close and personal with monkeys in the jungles of Borneo and elephants of Thailand, Patricia is also an award-winning filmmaker who always has a passionate eye on conservation. Patricia is a Fellow International of The Explorers Club and a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Seven-day itinerary priced from US$4,649 Departing August 10, 2024 RCGS: A Week in Jordan with Sarah Legault Explore the wondrous historical and archaeological highlights of Jordan on this week-long adventure. From the incredible history of the Wadi Rum Desert to strolling through ancient Roman cities and floating in the Dead Sea, this Jordanian adventure contains all the highlights of this fascinating country. It is led by an expert local guide and hosted by Vice President of Philanthropy for the RCGS, Sarah Legault. The Host: Sarah Legault has been the head of advancement at the Royal Canadian Geographical Society since 2018 and has worked at charitable organizations throughout her career. Her vast understanding of the Society, Canadian Geographic and all associated programs is extraordinary. As the current Vice President of Philanthropy and Fellow of the RCGS, Sarah's mission-aligned values of environment, people, culture, and geographical literacy support engaging and forward-thinking initiatives which she always is keen to share and discuss. Seven-day itinerary priced from US$2,550 Departing October 19, 2024 RCGS: Rome, Assisi & Magical Umbria – Premium Adventure with Robin Esrock Explore Rome and Assisi's historic landmarks and classical ruins. Walk through Italy's unspoiled countryside staying in a picturesque four-star resort in the hills of Umbria, led by an expert local guide and hosted by bestselling author, TV host, public speaker and Royal Canadian Geographical Society Fellow Robin Esrock. The Host: Dubbed "King of the Bucket List" by Travel + Leisure, Robin Esrock's success as a global adventurer, travel writer, bestselling author and international TV personality started with a one-year solo round-the-world backpacking adventure to 24 countries. During this year, Robin uploaded weekly reports, photography, videos, reviews, and interviews with every person he met. In doing so, he ushered in a new era of multi-platform, switched-on wired-in travel journalism, leading to adventures beyond his wildest dreams. Robin's stories have been published in noted publications worldwide, including National Geographic Traveler, The Guardian, Chicago Tribune, Toronto Star, Reader's Digest, and more. Eight-day itinerary priced from US$4,050 Departing October 19, 2024 RCGS: Egypt Nile Cruise with Charlene Bearhead Follow in the footsteps of the ancient pharaohs and ride the sands of time back thousands of years on this classic Egypt Nile cruise led by an expert local guide and hosted by Indigenous education advocate, author, Vice President of Learning and Reconciliation at Canadian Geographic, and a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Charlene Bearhead. With ancient tombs and mysteries around every bend, unrivaled legacy and mind-blowing history await. The Host: Charlene Bearhead is an Indigenous education advocate and author with over 30 years of regional, national and international experience. Previously Charlene served as education days coordinator for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, education coordinator for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, education advisor for the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada, a member of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Indigenous Education working group, and the first education lead for both the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba and the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre at UBC. She is also the co-author of the children's book series Siha Tooskin Knows. Eight-day itinerary priced from US$2,380 Departing November 16, 2024 RCGS: Highlights of Vietnam with Lynn Moorman Discover the complex culture and history of Vietnam on this intoxicating exploration of Vietnamese life highlighted by superb landscapes and amazing cuisine. Led by an expert local guide and hosted by Lynn Moorman, a lifelong geographer with a love for exploring remote landscapes and environments. The Host: Lynn Moorman is a prominent geographer and a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Mount Royal University, in Calgary, Canada. Lynn's teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of geography, learning sciences and applied visualization technologies, including virtual and augmented reality. Her work has taken her to the highlands of northern Vietnam, to map agricultural productivity, to the frozen Arctic Ocean where she works with Inuit in Canadian Arctic communities to use near-real time satellite imagery to keep ice travel safe. Lynn is a Fellow, former Board member and current Chair of the Research Committee of the RCGS. 10-day itinerary priced from US$2,170 Departing November 17, 2024

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

Sonesta Announces First Sonesta Es Suites Ground Up Development

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

Sonesta International Hotels Corporation (Sonesta) today announced plans for the construction of a new Sonesta ES Suites in Port Charlotte, Florida. This new property, expected to open in Spring 2025, marks the first Sonesta ES Suites brand project developed from the ground up. "We are excited that Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be our first purpose-built location for the brand," said Brian Quinn, Sonesta's Chief Development Officer. "The Sonesta ES Suites brand stands out as an attractive choice for franchisees looking for an upscale option to capitalize on the continued dependable performance of extended stay hotels." "Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will benefit business travelers and tourists who are looking for accommodations near the beaches, golf courses, parks and other attractions that Port Charlotte has to offer," said Alan Lane, one of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte's owners. "The addition of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte to our diverse portfolio reflects Commonwealth Hotels' unwavering commitment to providing an unparalleled guest experience through visionary development, ethical practices and a steadfast dedication to superior service," said Jennifer Porter, President of Commonwealth Hotels, the hotel's management company. To be located at 1321 Claburn Circle in Port Charlotte, Florida, the Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be an upscale extended-stay hotel spanning four floors and offering 117 rooms with amenities including breakfast and dining services, an outdoor pool, fitness room, market pantry, guest laundry, onsite parking and more. The location of the new hotel is close to over 20 colleges and universities, two hospitals, more than 70 parks and recreational spaces, more than 12 miles of beaches, 14 golf courses and numerous other attractions. Guests of this location will be able to earn or redeem points in the award winning Sonesta Travel Pass loyalty program.

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Travel Technology, Airlines and Airports Group and LATAM Airlines Group Partner to Enhance Travel Experience Through NDC Technology

PR Newswire | January 22, 2024 Group, a leading travel service provider, announced today the signing of a new NDC agreement with LATAM Airlines Group. This agreement between the two companies aims to provide a contemporary and streamlined ticketing experience for global travellers. It also offers unparalleled connectivity to over 144 destinations covered by LATAM Airlines across 22 countries and regions, including Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania. The key benefit of this agreement is the adoption of NDC standard technology. This technology gives customers access to a complete and more comprehensive selection of airline offerings and the option to buy additional products, services, and add-ons such as baggage allowance and seats. Moreover, customers can access a broader range of ancillary services and more detailed information by browsing the change and cancellation policy section during checkout, leading to improved Group and LATAM Airlines Group's after-sales services. Juan Villanova, Sales Manager of for Spain and Latin America, comments: " is a cutting-edge online travel company that leads the way in technology. Our commitment is to improve our product offerings to guarantee the highest customer satisfaction. With this tech solution, our passengers will have access to an improved and more competitive selection of flights and products." The agreement will include integrating a shopping engine for ticket sales via some of Group's leading brands, offering a cost advantage to both suppliers and customers. Henk Van der Velde, Regional Director for Southern Europe and Latin America for Group's flight Department, adds: "We are delighted to collaborate with LATAM Airlines Group in the implementation of an NDC standard, and offer solutions for everyone via a shopping engine, which has yielded excellent results. I look forward to continuing this collaboration and bringing new features that positively impact our customer's travel experience." Andreas Schek, Vice President of Sales and Branding of LATAM Airlines Group, adds: "We are proud of this collaboration with Group on the implementation of the NDC standard, as it allows us to explore ways to enhance its efficiency further. This is a significant milestone in the future of distribution that will benefit our global customers."

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Travel Technology, Destination and Tourism

Exodus Adventure Travels Announces New Trips in Partnership with Royal Canadian Geographic Society

PR Newswire | January 23, 2024

Exodus Adventure Travels, the international award-winning leader in adventure travel, today announced its new 2024 RCGS Quests trips, a series of expert-led tours developed in partnership with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. These limited edition, small group trips are what travel legends are made of – adventures that are designed to offer travelers unparalleled opportunities to explore some of the planet's most awe-inspiring destinations and led by noted hosts in their respective fields. This year's line-up features such noted hosts as World Elephant Day co-founder, Patricia Sims; bestselling author, Robin Esrock; Indigenous education advocate, Charlene Bearhead, and others. "We are honored to partner with The Royal Canadian Geographical Society on these highly anticipated adventures," said Sam Seward, President at Exodus Adventure Travels. "This is our third year operating our RCGS Quests program, with continued demand to explore further and experience more, pushing these trips to new heights and featuring another stellar line-up of hosts to add even more depth to each itinerary." Exodus' 2024 RCGS Quests Series features the following six adventures: RCGS: Highlights of the Amalfi Coast with Scott Forsyth Discover the land of la dolce vita for a wondrous week on the Amalfi Coast led by an expert local guide and hosted by professional photographer and fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Scott Forsyth. Explore one of Europe's most dramatic stretches of coastline and be spellbound by this land's natural beauty and cultural treasures. The Host: Scott Forsyth is an award-winning photographer who specializes in Canadian landscapes. Devoted to exploring Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific and Arctic Ocean coastlines, Scott is a Fellow of both the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and the Explorer's Club and is Canadian Geographic's Photographer-In-Residence. Eight-day itinerary priced from $2,240 USD. Departing April 6, 2024 RCGS: Classic Kenya 4WD Safari with Patricia Sims No country, perhaps, is more synonymous with a classic African safari than Kenya. Step into scenes from 'Out of Africa' as you explore Kenya's best safari sites led by an expert local safari guide and hosted by award-winning Canadian filmmaker, Royal Canadian Geographical Society fellow and World Elephant Day co-founder, Patricia Sims. The Host: Patricia Sims is the co-founder of the annual World Elephant Day (Aug. 12), a global awareness campaign that brings attention to the critical threats facing elephants. From swimming with wild dolphins and whales in oceans around the world to getting up close and personal with monkeys in the jungles of Borneo and elephants of Thailand, Patricia is also an award-winning filmmaker who always has a passionate eye on conservation. Patricia is a Fellow International of The Explorers Club and a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Seven-day itinerary priced from US$4,649 Departing August 10, 2024 RCGS: A Week in Jordan with Sarah Legault Explore the wondrous historical and archaeological highlights of Jordan on this week-long adventure. From the incredible history of the Wadi Rum Desert to strolling through ancient Roman cities and floating in the Dead Sea, this Jordanian adventure contains all the highlights of this fascinating country. It is led by an expert local guide and hosted by Vice President of Philanthropy for the RCGS, Sarah Legault. The Host: Sarah Legault has been the head of advancement at the Royal Canadian Geographical Society since 2018 and has worked at charitable organizations throughout her career. Her vast understanding of the Society, Canadian Geographic and all associated programs is extraordinary. As the current Vice President of Philanthropy and Fellow of the RCGS, Sarah's mission-aligned values of environment, people, culture, and geographical literacy support engaging and forward-thinking initiatives which she always is keen to share and discuss. Seven-day itinerary priced from US$2,550 Departing October 19, 2024 RCGS: Rome, Assisi & Magical Umbria – Premium Adventure with Robin Esrock Explore Rome and Assisi's historic landmarks and classical ruins. Walk through Italy's unspoiled countryside staying in a picturesque four-star resort in the hills of Umbria, led by an expert local guide and hosted by bestselling author, TV host, public speaker and Royal Canadian Geographical Society Fellow Robin Esrock. The Host: Dubbed "King of the Bucket List" by Travel + Leisure, Robin Esrock's success as a global adventurer, travel writer, bestselling author and international TV personality started with a one-year solo round-the-world backpacking adventure to 24 countries. During this year, Robin uploaded weekly reports, photography, videos, reviews, and interviews with every person he met. In doing so, he ushered in a new era of multi-platform, switched-on wired-in travel journalism, leading to adventures beyond his wildest dreams. Robin's stories have been published in noted publications worldwide, including National Geographic Traveler, The Guardian, Chicago Tribune, Toronto Star, Reader's Digest, and more. Eight-day itinerary priced from US$4,050 Departing October 19, 2024 RCGS: Egypt Nile Cruise with Charlene Bearhead Follow in the footsteps of the ancient pharaohs and ride the sands of time back thousands of years on this classic Egypt Nile cruise led by an expert local guide and hosted by Indigenous education advocate, author, Vice President of Learning and Reconciliation at Canadian Geographic, and a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Charlene Bearhead. With ancient tombs and mysteries around every bend, unrivaled legacy and mind-blowing history await. The Host: Charlene Bearhead is an Indigenous education advocate and author with over 30 years of regional, national and international experience. Previously Charlene served as education days coordinator for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, education coordinator for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, education advisor for the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada, a member of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Indigenous Education working group, and the first education lead for both the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba and the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre at UBC. She is also the co-author of the children's book series Siha Tooskin Knows. Eight-day itinerary priced from US$2,380 Departing November 16, 2024 RCGS: Highlights of Vietnam with Lynn Moorman Discover the complex culture and history of Vietnam on this intoxicating exploration of Vietnamese life highlighted by superb landscapes and amazing cuisine. Led by an expert local guide and hosted by Lynn Moorman, a lifelong geographer with a love for exploring remote landscapes and environments. The Host: Lynn Moorman is a prominent geographer and a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Mount Royal University, in Calgary, Canada. Lynn's teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of geography, learning sciences and applied visualization technologies, including virtual and augmented reality. Her work has taken her to the highlands of northern Vietnam, to map agricultural productivity, to the frozen Arctic Ocean where she works with Inuit in Canadian Arctic communities to use near-real time satellite imagery to keep ice travel safe. Lynn is a Fellow, former Board member and current Chair of the Research Committee of the RCGS. 10-day itinerary priced from US$2,170 Departing November 17, 2024

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