Blockchain Technology in Travel Insurance

Blockchain Technology
Most people associate the term "blockchain" with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Ethereum. Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies, but it is also a technology in its own right that has many uses.

Blockchain is an immutable ledger that tracks transactions and assets, like cash and patents. All parties have access to the same data simultaneously, eliminating intermediaries and making it a cost-effective way to track assets. It could, for example, track a flight delay and automatically refund a customer’s money.

A German blockchain start-up Etherisc launched an insurance product, FlightDelay, which uses blockchain to automatically issue policies and execute payouts for flight delays and cancellations on around 80 airlines. Customers can buy policies with cryptocurrency and receive claims in cryptocurrency.

Flight delays are where blockchain-based insurance can make a difference in the travel insurance domain. Data on delays and cancellations is readily accessible, and all assist in automatic payments. This way, companies that offer flight insurance can avoid higher claims-processing costs and save on data protection costs because blockchain is secure.

U.S. Insurance Regulations Prevent Blockchain-based Travel Insurance

In the U.S, there is a need for state-by-state approval for changes in regulations. Blockchain’s appearance in the U.S. insurance industry may take another ten or fifteen years. However, the potential of blockchain-based insurance products is huge. Insurance companies can sell them at much lower costs compared to traditional insurance products.

Blockchain Can Change the Travel Insurance Business

Interestingly, the U.S. already has an insurance product similar to FlightDelay but none of them have the blockchain component. Called ‘parametric insurance’, an auto payout is done when some parameter is violated. Using blockchain technology to offer this insurance could save money and enable insurers to pass on some of the savings to the customers. Insurance industry experts think blockchain will definitely make a mark in the travel insurance domain and can change the way travel insurance businesses operate at large.


Revealed America

Our ethos: wide-eyed wonder. We believe our planet’s wild places are like medicine for the soul.Our journeys through the National Parks, Alaska, California, Western Canada and New England celebrate the big, iconic, I-can’t-believe-I’m-seeing-this moments as well as the unscripted, unexpected and serendipitous ones, all in the name of bringing you closer to what makes your soul soar. Our journeys are fully custom, private and vetted by our expert team from start to finish. Your adventure will begin with our knowledgeable trip planners who will work with you to create your immersive vacation. Each activity, guide, route and lodge will be tailored to you and selected from our personal list of the very best.

Hospitality Management

Excellent Customer Experience in Travel Industry Generate Customer Loyalty

Article | July 24, 2023

As the impact of COVID-19 subsides, the devasted travel industry appears to be resuming normalcy with increased travel volumes. In addition, emerging tourism trends and technology in the travel industry have offered new possibilities for business travel to redefine itself. The present opportunities available in the travel sector may benefit your firm. However, customer experience in the travel industry has a significant impact on growing long-term loyalty. Providing a positive client experience is a significant problem for many in the travel and tourism industry. Customer Experience Is a Challenge to Recover Customer experience is a critical component of the travel and tourism industry. As travel volumes have increased in the post-covid era, so have negative travel experiences. Business travelers who commute frequently have higher expectations. For a very long time, they have voiced their dissatisfaction, even before the leisure travelers complained. This imbalance has been exacerbated by COVID-19. According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, 38% of business passengers complained about the airline, double the percentage compared to leisure travelers. The actual question, though, is how to overcome this obstacle. Some companies may go above and beyond to reassure travelers with honesty, openness, and unmatched customer service. You may improve the customer experience by implementing the following ideas. Concentrate on the corporate culture Give specific examples of consumer advocacy Equip employees with the necessary tools According to a survey conducted by Think with Google, superior customer service is the most compelling aspect for high-value travelers. Additionally, 60% of them agree that customer service is the most crucial factor when it comes to picking a brand to travel with. CX Plays a Vital Role in Revenue Generation Managing customer experience in travel can enhance the brand-customer relationship, ultimately leading to revenue growth. The adoption of technology for travel booking, ticketing, and expenditure management has improved the customer experience. Satisfied customers increase income and assist firms in calculating the return on their travel and cost expenditures. Customer experience is a key differentiator that boosts customer happiness and loyalty, and both sells and establishes a competitive edge. “CX is the difference between success or slump.” — Chris Pescott, CEO of Perceptive. Annual business travel expenditures will reach $1.7 trillion globally by 2022. According to Statista, nearly 500 million business travels will take place withing the United States each year by 2022. Ways to Improve Customer Experience (CX) Use Tech to Create Breakthrough Customer Experiences Technology in the travel industry is regularly evolving. By putting technology at the center of each touchpoint, the industry is laying the groundwork for a successful customer experience in travel. Chatbots powered by AI and machine learning deliver client care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Chatbots have been intelligently developed using cutting-edge technology and may be used in place of humans. AI is constantly evolving, making it more trustworthy and effective as a commercial solution. Embrace an Omnichannel Mindset With mobile devices accounting for more than 50% of online traffic, multi-device digital experiences have become the norm. In addition, today's customers interact with companies across various offline and online channels, frequently switching several times, and each stage of the journey must be seamlessly connected and consistent. As a result, adopting omnichannel is one of the most significant changes you will undertake. Use Customer Journey Mapping To create a customer journey, you must first understand your consumer. By comparing journey maps to core KPIs, you may gain a deeper insight into your customer experience and identify areas of concern and opportunity. You may use trip maps to enhance the customer experience and visualize the customer experience in the future. Alternatively, you may influence organizational transformation from the stage of inspiration to the planning and execution phases. Utilize all touchpoints and seek new possibilities for interaction. Case studies: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KLM's social care staff are well-known for their responsiveness and efficiency – the airline even shows a live countdown on its Twitter header picture to inform consumers when they may anticipate a response. However, what sets the organization apart is its ability to generate unique customer experiences. Qatar Airways Qatar Airways is elevating the business class travel experience. At a recent travel industry conference in Berlin, the airline unveiled its Business Class QSuite. This is the first time a business class cabin has been offered and sold with a real double bed. However, the organization goes a step further by providing value to consumers traveling for business. Additionally, the QSuite may be an open work and meeting room. Multiple configuration choices appeal to clients seeking privacy or personalization. A score of 9.2 for audience insights indicates that the brand is in tune with its social audience well enough to cultivate an impressive number of committed followers. Conclusion The travel and tourism industry significantly benefits from nurturing an outstanding customer experience. Supremacy in customer experience can be offered with the help of sophisticated digital technology that can quantify effects and forecast behavior. In addition, as 'bleisure' travel continues to grow in popularity to blend business and leisure time, the customer experience in travel is increasing in relevance. FAQ: What are the benefits of a good customer experience? A good customer experience increases sales and creates customer loyalty. Moreover, it reduces complaints. How would you define excellent customer service? Great customer service means responding promptly to a client's wants, being responsive to their concerns, and offering an enthusiastic level of care. Do you value customer service or customer experience more? Consumer service results in a positive customer experience. Both are critical to the business's success.

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Hospitality Management

Trends and Opportunities in Hospitality Management Careers

Article | June 29, 2023

Embrace the opportunity in hospitality management careers. Make a difference in tourism to benefit businesses & explore rewarding pathways within sustainable hospitality and tourism industry. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Current Trends in Hospitality Management Careers 2.1. Technology Integration in the Hospitality Industry 2.2. Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness 2.3. Personalization and Customization 2.4. Focus on Wellness and Health 3. Importance of Skill Development and Training for Hospitality Management Careers 4. Emerging Opportunities for Hospitality Management Careers 1. Introduction Embarking on a career in hospitality management opens the doors to a captivating world of endless possibilities within a dynamic and continuously expanding industry. Whether aspirations are rooted in hotel management, restaurant operations, event planning, or tourism, the hospitality sector boasts a multitude of diverse roles and avenues to explore. To embark on this exciting journey, a combination of formal education, practical experience, and a service-oriented mindset is paramount. By acquiring the necessary skills, forging connections with industry professionals, and staying attuned to the latest trends, one can strategically position oneself for a fulfilling and ever-evolving career in this thriving field. 2. Current Trends in Hospitality Management Careers 2.1. Technology Integration in the Hospitality Industry The pandemic accelerated consumers' adoption of technology in hospitality industry, while hotels quickly embraced new tools like contactless check-in systems and branded applications. However, a significant digital skills gap persists among hospitality workers, with nearly one in three lacking necessary AI, machine learning, and content-driven marketing competencies. Trends in the hospitality industry presents a tremendous opportunity for individuals seeking a career in hospitality management. Upskilling in digital roles highly sought after by hotel brands, such as digital marketing, cybersecurity, e-commerce sales, data analysis, social media management, mobile app development, and digital guest experience management, can pave the way for a thriving career in the industry. Combining a hospitality management course with specialized training in digital marketing or ICT equips professionals to excel in the digital hotel economy. As the hospitality industry continues integrating technology, skilled individuals with digital expertise will play a vital role in driving innovation, enhancing guest experiences, and staying ahead of the competition. 2.2. Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness 90% of employees believe that companies should prioritize positive impacts on the planet as much as they prioritize profits. Moreover, consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental issues. A survey among 72,000 Hilton guests revealed that approximately 33% preferred hotels with environmental and social programs, emphasizing the significance of sustainability. (Source: ehotelier) Therefore, many hotels embrace sustainable practices, leading to a global shift towards the low-impact hospitality industry. The rise of green hotels contributes to a more environmentally conscious sector and creates additional employment opportunities for hotel staff. The demand for specialized green skills, such as auditing, compliance oversight, and change management, further reinforces the need for specialization in this expanding field. Sustainable hotels and eco-tourism offer a growing array of career options for individuals passionate about the environment, travel and hospitality sector. By pursuing a career in this sector, professionals can contribute to preserving the planet while capitalizing on the increasing demand for sustainability-focused services. 2.3. Personalization and Customization Customers in today's market seek tailored experiences that cater to their unique preferences and needs, prompting hotels and hospitality businesses to prioritize personalized offerings. The rise of technology has played a crucial role in enabling personalization at various touchpoints. From personalized welcome messages to customized recommendations based on guest preferences, hotels harness data and advanced analytics to deliver exceptional and individualized guest experiences. This trend creates exciting opportunities for professionals seeking to excel in hospitality and tourism careers. Roles such as guest experience managers, data analysts, and CRM specialists are in high demand as businesses strive to provide personalized services to their guests. Additionally, expertise in customer relationship management (CRM) systems, data analysis, and guest profiling can significantly enhance career prospects. By staying updated on emerging technologies, honing customer-centric skills, and understanding the importance of data-driven decision-making, hospitality professionals can thrive careers in hospitality industry that are focused on personalization and customization. Embrace this trend, and position yourself at the forefront of delivering unforgettable, tailored experiences in the hospitality industry. 2.4. Focus on Wellness and Health The pandemic has led people to be health conscious, and therefore, they have started prioritizing it, resulting in the growth of people prioritizing health with massive US $1.7 trillion market. With an expected growth rate of 44% in 2022, wellness is the fastest-growing segment of the tourism sector. With this explosion of consumer interest, hotel brands are expanding into the wellness space and acquiring reputable spa, wellness and fitness brands. Hyatt, for example, recently received Two Roads, Miraval and Exhale, and IHG acquired Six Senses. For hotel professionals , this trend opens up a new potential career opportunity that combine expertise in the wellness area with skills relevant to the hotel industry. For those who are passionate about wellness and health and like the idea of a career in beautiful locations and settings, this might be the right pathway in the hospitality and management career. 3. Skill Development & Training Importance for Hospitality Management Careers The hospitality industry is known for its focus on providing exceptional service and creating positive guest experiences. It is a people-oriented sector that relies on the skills and efforts of individuals to ensure customer satisfaction. Skill development is paramount in this industry as it encompasses diverse skills necessary for running a successful enterprise. Hospitality is a deliberate and sustained effort to maintain mutual understanding between organizations and the public, adapting to market requirements. As one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy, the industry faces the challenge of aligning its skills requirements with the evolving labor market. With approximately 10% of the global workforce engaged in the tourism and hospitality-related industry, skill development becomes a crucial concern for every entity operating as a hospitality service provider. Effective skill development programs and training initiatives enable professionals to acquire the necessary competencies to excel in their roles and deliver exceptional guest experiences. By investing in skill development and training, individuals in hospitality management careers enhance their abilities and adapt to changing customer demands. Continuous improvement in skills ensures that professionals meet guests' diverse needs and contribute to their organizations' success. 4. Emerging Opportunities for Hospitality Management Careers The hospitality industry is rapidly growing and evolving, presenting exciting career opportunities. To adapt to changing dynamics, the sector emphasizes the importance of skill development and training. The global health crisis has acted as a catalyst for innovation and technology adoption, enhancing customer experiences. Hospitality education has transformed to meet industry demands, ensuring a talented workforce with relevant skill sets. Aspiring students can explore diverse career prospects in hospitality, culinary entrepreneurship, revenue management, media, e-commerce, client servicing, lifestyle consulting, and health & wellness. Bespoke hospitality has expanded beyond traditional hotels, offering personalized experiences like luxury staycations, glamping, and high-end cruises. Culinary entrepreneurship thrives on creativity and unique dining concepts. The health and wellness segment is rapidly growing, focusing on improving customers' physical and mental well-being. Media and technology play significant roles, with social media engagement, e-commerce platforms, and virtual experiences shaping the industry. Customer service, revenue management, and 'human' skills like critical thinking and communication are highly valued. Skill development is crucial for success in the ever-evolving hospitality field. Professionals who embrace continuous learning and stay abreast of industry trends will seize abundant career opportunities in this dynamic sector. 5. Key Takeaway Careers in the hospitality industry offers various opportunities in hotel management, restaurant operations, event planning, and tourism. To succeed in this dynamic field, skill development and training are essential. Emerging trends such as technology integration, sustainability, personalization, and focus on wellness present exciting avenues for hospitality professionals. Digital skills are in high demand as hotels adopt new technologies and emphasize digital marketing, cybersecurity, data analysis, and guest experience management. Sustainability is a growing focus, with green hotels and eco-tourism creating opportunities for professionals with auditing and change management skills. Personalization and customization are key as hotels leverage technology to deliver tailored guest experiences, requiring expertise in guest management and data analysis. The wellness industry is also booming, offering potential career paths for those passionate about health and wellness.

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Hospitality Management

Post-Pandemic Travel Planning: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Article | June 19, 2023

It would be an understatement to say that the coronavirus pandemic has throttled the travel industry, but the luxury sector is resilient and coming back strong! As you plan safety-minded meanderings into and throughout the New Year, here are a few great options for perennial favorite modes of jet set travel. Travel to the Bottom of the Earth Premium private jet company Magellan Jets is working to keep its guests as safe as they are satisfied. The company has compiled a toolkit to help travelers stay healthy while navigating flu season and the continuing coronavirus crisis. Magellan Jets' curated collection of guides and expert tips outlines best practices and safety measures people should remember before taking their next flight. The healthy travel toolkit covers topics such as what travelers can do to prevent contracting the coronavirus, steps professional pilots take to ensure they don’t get sick while flying, as well as other helpful resources. Additionally, readers can learn how booking private jet travel for leisure or business can significantly decrease the risk of exposure to the coronavirus and other illnesses. Should this inspire you to get out of Dodge, consider a trip to the bottom of the Earth! Magellan Jets is now working in partnership with the industry-leading International Yacht Company (IYC) and White Desert to offer guests the trip of a lifetime to the South Pole, by way of Antarctica, to see the Emperor Penguins. This luxury 8-night adventure takes 12 guests at a time into the heart of Antarctica before venturing off to the South Pole. IYC and Magellan Jets are working diligently to ensure the safest, most purely private way to travel. Magellan Jets will fly guests to Cape Town, where they will spend the night at One & Only prior to departing for Antarctica with White Desert on a plane equipped with the latest avionics and ski-equipped for landing on snow. In Antarctica, guests will stay in state-of-the-art sleeping pods at Whichaway Camp where their experienced team of chefs, hosts and guides will take care of every detail, allowing you to relax and enjoy your surroundings. At the beginning of the adventure, guests fly 2 hours along the coast to an emperor penguin colony of over 14,000 breeding pairs and their newly hatched chicks. Tourists only rarely visit this colony and, as a consequence, witnessing these birds in their natural habitat is one of the most surreal experiences on earth. As you fly from Antarctica to the South Pole, you will experience a true sense of remoteness, for as far as the eye can see, the white horizon meets the pure blue sky. The South Pole, the bottom of the earth and the holy grail of early explorers. At the designated marker there is no more east, south or west on the planet, only north, and you will be able to walk around the world in just a few paces! Then you will fly back to their wilderness camp at 83ºS to overnight and join the select few who have ever spent a night in the beauty of the high polar plateau. You will be well looked after as you experience camping in one of the wildest places on earth. After a night spent as a true explorer, you will fly back to the main camp and celebrate your momentous journey. With up to only 12 clients on each adventure and professional polar explorers as your guides, the day’s itineraries are tailored to each individual. Make your choice from gentle treks and picnics overlooking the ice waves, to more adrenaline-fueled activities. After the trials and confinement of Covid-19, there is perhaps be no better place than Antarctica to escape, reflect and reignite your passion to explore. With limited group size, strict bio-security measures and the naturally inert landscape, Antarctica is one of the safest places to visit in 2020 and beyond. Travel Back in Time Oenophiles rejoice! Despite the pandemic and recent wildfires, Napa Valley is open and welcome visitors. While in this revered region, do yourself a favor and book a ride on the Napa Valley Wine Train. This isn’t so much a mode of transportation but rather a time machine transporting passengers back to an era when the journey was as scintillating as the destination, itself. Particularly well-suited for couples seeking quality together time, this excursion offers an elegant sojourn through the heart of Napa Valley in a refined, history-rich atmosphere befitting the lush countryside through which it passes. Duly complementing the drop-dead gorgeous vistas are gourmet victuals and varietals-a-plenty. The train itself is a wonder to behold. The expertly restored and maintained antique Pullman cars gleam with brass and Honduran mahogany while etched original glass and swanky armchairs evoke the early 20th century spirit of luxury travel. One of the few active historic passenger railroads remaining in the United States, the Napa Valley Wine Train offers a tempting variety of tours, events and packages, including gourmet dining experiences for both lunch and dinner. As goes without saying, the wine offerings on the Napa Valley Wine Train are ample, and impressive given the space restraints. Or, passengers can bring their own bottle on board. The Napa Valley Wine Train isn’t just a train ride—it’s an institution that echoes the glory days of train travel, with fine dining service, multiple course meals cooked to order, Napa Valley scenery and ultimate relaxation aboard an exquisitely restored vintage rail car. Of course, as a result of the newly released travel restrictions, the closure of its winery partners and in the interest of the health of its passengers and staff, Napa Valley Wine Train journeys were temporarily canceled but will be back on track as pandemic conditions improve—and poised to show you a spectacular time. Luxe Chauffeur Service Everywhere You Jet Set Luxury, convenience and safety-minded travelers are loving Blacklane’s global chauffeur service, which brings travelers peace of mind across 50 countries. The crew’s health, safety, reliability, and technology gives guests door-to-door stress-free travel. Blacklane chauffeurs clean vehicles and disinfect all points of contact before and after rides. They offer guests hand sanitizer, wear masks, and provide masks to guests who need them. Their chauffeurs also check their temperature daily and air out vehicles between rides. Blacklane travelers receive fair, fixed and all-inclusive rates and all rides are carbon-neutral. Plus, all Blacklane chauffeurs are commercially licensed and insured. Airport pickups include flight tracking, meet-and-greet service, and up to one hour of free chauffeur waiting time. Intercity rides give guests a private door-to-door alternative to short-haul flights and trains. Upgrade your travels at or on the free Blacklane app. Gift an Extraordinary Custom Car For those road warriors who revere the open highway with the wind in their hair, there’s a much better way to bestow a vehicle on your beloved this season. Don’t just buy a car and put a bow on it, let your loved one build their dream car from start to finish and drive away with a truly customized vehicle down to the smallest detail! E.C.D. Automotive Design (E.C.D.), the country’s leading specialist for custom restored Defenders and classic Land Rovers, has released a limited number of exclusive Ultimate Platinum Cards for the upcoming holiday season. These black stainless-steel cards are valued at $200,000, so you can gift the opportunity to build a vehicle that is one-of-one, meaning no one else in the world will have a car like the one your lucky recipient designs.

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Business Travel

Post-Pandemic Travelers Driving Demand for Private Villa Rentals

Article | August 10, 2021

It would be an understatement to say that the recent pandemic is ushering in a seismic shift for the travel trade, which suffered a collective gut punch as COVID-19 unrelentingly raged across the globe. New health and safety protocols, crisis management plans and other operational touchpoints are being overhauled to help those in—and dependent upon—the travel industry better pivot and adapt to the unforeseen. For travelers, priorities and sensibilities have also evolved on multiple fronts. For one, various reports extrapolate how privacy has become the new luxury. In fact, a “Covid Travel Outlook 2021” travel sentiment survey by Indagare found that travelers “feel more comfortable renting a home or private villa for added privacy” and that “more than half of those surveyed said that they are 54 percent more likely to rent a home than they were prior to coronavirus, preferring to ‘Stay at homes not hotels,’ for added security and peace of mind.” Other reports tout the key advantages of private luxury villa accommodations, with privacy and exclusive use entrenched among them. Amid the surge in category popularity, travelers must also consider ways to aptly vet luxe private villa options amid a burgeoning field. According to an story outlining the benefits of “going private,” proximity is one overarching booking factor noting that “for some travelers, a house close to town or affiliated with a nearby resort or hotel provides the perfect combination of exclusivity and access (to restaurants, coffee shops, fitness classes, etc.). Others prefer staying someplace further removed, opting for a home with fewer amenities or a lavish villa with every convenience under the sun.” The article also points out another critical aspect that, all too often, is taken for granted: availability. The story cites the reality that “accommodations can fill up months or even a year in advance,” which some more spontaneous wanderers might not expect. Relative to post-pandemic issues, the story further cautions that “this year, with exclusivity at an unprecedented premium and fewer destinations open to international arrivals, early planning is crucial. One reason: Many travelers are opting for longer stays, now that remote work and Zoom classes are ubiquitous, meaning there’s less turnover. For these extended trips—workcations or staycations—having strong WiFi, reliable phone service and separate areas for being productive are key factors when choosing the right rental.” With this and other public discourse helping spur private villa reservations, I sought to connect with one purveyor in the space that is making due strides: Destinations in Paradise. This boutique agency offers a suite of architectural five-star private villas in four locales: The Big Island and Kauai, Hawaii as well as Los Cabos, Mexico and Mendocino, California. Having personally experienced this company’s brand of haute hospitality on the Big Island, I sought to connect with the founders—David Cohen and Howard Appel—for some clarity on how they’ve apparently adapted so well in the post-pandemic era. Here’s what they had to say. MK: So, first, let’s talk about the properties, themselves, and also your company at large. What sets Destinations in Paradise apart from other luxury home and private villa purveyors in the various regions where you operate? Cohen: It's essentially our caliber of white glove service, which is highly personalized and with the very best amenities that can be provided. The company was started because we wanted to have some fun, as Howard and I had been retired a while. We wanted to give people, especially those desiring privacy and security, the kind of high-caliber experience that we would expect. When someone arrives at one of our homes, they're greeted and welcomed with enthusiasm and everything to elevate the experience is there. This includes the best linens, a house full of flowers and arrival gifts. In Mendocino, we leave fresh-baked goods and wine. In Mexico, our guests are greeted with cold towels and margaritas. Plus, any special requests are accommodated. Even when guests depart, we give them a thank you gift for having booked a stay with us. Overall, it’s a very personalized experience. It’s akin to having a member of the family come and stay. You get up early in the morning, make them breakfast and generally make them feel at home … that this is their home for the duration of the visit. The difference is that it's a five-star experience at every touch point. Appel: We, ourselves, like to travel in luxury and, as we started acquiring the properties, we realized that this is a great opportunity to offer to other people the same kind of treatment we enjoy. It's the way we all would love to be treated. And we think we offer it differently and more special than others. The business sort of just fell into place as bookings escalated and we started to acquire additional properties. MK: In the luxury travel space, much is said about the importance of personal touches to elevate the experience. So, can you provide an example of things you all do in this regard to go over-and-above for high-end luxury travelers? Cohen: Here's one interesting example about the Mexican property, for example: It's two acres of the most gorgeous landscaping that you've ever seen. Even though it's in the middle of a desert, we are desalinating seawater using solar power, so the yards and the landscaping and the flowers are all very lush, but still desert-type plants. The interesting thing is that Howard and I have worked together for close to 40 years and, until we actually got into this business, I had no idea that he had this artistic flair. The landscaping at all of the houses is beyond spectacular. My own personal favorite is the Mendocino home, which has the equivalent of an English country garden. You can just go and sit in there and read a book, sitting in the fresh air with beautiful butterflies and bees buzzing around. The Hawaiian property is the same; it’s just gorgeous, perfect Hawaii. Appel: It's important to note that these homes are indoor-outdoor homes. We want to make sure we carry the luxury on both sides. If you actually do a search of our home in Cabo on Google Earth, you can easily spot it because it's the only significant patch of green anywhere along the east scape. This kind of lush, natural beauty is just one of the many ways that we cater to our guests relative to the luxurious aspects both inside and outside of the homes. MK: You touched on some of it already, but what are some other special amenities and activities that you offer in, and around, the homes that are available to guests? Appel: One key aspect is that each home comes with a concierge service. Our guests can partake in any activity in the local surroundings. We try to offer the opportunities within the local community and try to personalize that. In Mexico, it might be premiere deep-sea fishing, surfing and paddle boarding. In Mendocino, we're about 30-minutes from Anderson Valley, so we can arrange for private wine tours. Especially during the recent pandemic, to help our guests have fun but also avoid big crowds was important to us. Of course, the homes in Hawaii and Mexico have beautiful pools, swim-up bars and each property has its own set of unique amenities on-site a like solar-lighted tennis court. In fact, when we travel to Mexico—in the seven or eight times we've been there—I think we've left the property twice. There's no reason to go elsewhere because everything is there with you. Whatever you want to do, whatever the guests would like, we can make it happen. MK: Speaking of the pandemic, obviously the past year and a half has been tough for the travel industry, so how have the recent health concerns impacted your business with respect to private villa versus hotel, resort or other kinds of accommodations? And, also, the guest experience while actually visiting a property? Appel: We took COVID very seriously from the beginning and, yes, 2020 was a hard year for us. We lost almost all of our business, but we used that down time as an opportunity to continue to enhance the homes. Even now, when guests come to one of our properties, they're greeted in a manner that best assures their health and safety. We have our house managers maintain their distance and use masks, of course. But, during the guests’ stay, we also make sure we work around their calendars to not intrude on their stay there. We take it very seriously. And, in fact, when a guest leaves, we have a minimum 48 hours between guests so we can properly clean and sanitize the home for the next guest. MK: Many people often associate private villa experiences more with leisure travel versus business. But I know Destinations in Paradise properties are also utilized in business—especially when there are privacy, exclusivity and health-related preferences. Plus, of course, the properties are also perfectly suited for corporate events, retreats and even utilized as incentives and rewards for employees and business partners. So, tell us about these kinds of corporate benefits. Cohen: Even though the houses are focused on providing a safe, comfortable environment for families and extended small events, we do also host small, medium and large-scale corporate events at the houses. Whether it's a two-person law firm figuring out how they're going to run their businesses remotely, to a large distillery that wants to try and get their name out for a new product for, say, tequila in Mexico, our homes are an apt venue. Of course, we host weddings and social media is prompting bookings from people like rappers who want a place to chill out and rethink what their next shows or postings are going to be. And we've hosted philanthropic events like releasing baby turtles in the beaches of Mexico to address species endangerment. For that, a university in Mexico held a business meeting at our property, and as a gift we paid and supported their release of 600 hatchlings. Howard has also had some dealings with movie studios that are interested in hosting either corporate get togethers and business strategy meetings. And, in at least two instances that I can recall, they’ve considered using the homes as part of a movie production. I should also mention that each of the homes have the ability to cater for large and small groups. If we bring chefs in, that event never ever needs to leave the property. The house in Mexico, for instance, has two kitchens that are fully capable of catering to as many people as the property can accommodate, which is substantial, but each of the homes have the ability to cater internally and not rely on outside services. Appel: All the homes offer businesses a unique opportunity to host meetings and events, from the very large as in Mexico, to even Mendocino for smaller gatherings. They’re all unique and offer the privacy, security and comfort that private villa venues offer—all, of course, with our discerning five-star touch.

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Revealed America

Our ethos: wide-eyed wonder. We believe our planet’s wild places are like medicine for the soul.Our journeys through the National Parks, Alaska, California, Western Canada and New England celebrate the big, iconic, I-can’t-believe-I’m-seeing-this moments as well as the unscripted, unexpected and serendipitous ones, all in the name of bringing you closer to what makes your soul soar. Our journeys are fully custom, private and vetted by our expert team from start to finish. Your adventure will begin with our knowledgeable trip planners who will work with you to create your immersive vacation. Each activity, guide, route and lodge will be tailored to you and selected from our personal list of the very best.

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Auberge Resorts Collection Announces Strategic Partnership with Bdt & Msd Partners

PR Newswire | February 02, 2024

The Friedkin Group announced today that the company has entered into a strategic partnership with BDT & MSD Partners ("BDT & MSD"), a merchant bank built to serve the distinct needs of business owners and strategic, long-term investors. BDT & MSD, through its affiliated hospitality investment vehicle, will make a minority investment in Auberge Resorts Collection, the manager of the award-winning portfolio of luxury hotels, resorts, residences and private clubs set in some of the world's most desirable locations. In addition, BDT & MSD's hospitality vehicle intends to invest significant capital towards acquiring and developing luxury hotel and residential assets that will be branded and managed by Auberge Resorts Collection. The partnership reflects BDT & MSD's belief in Auberge Resorts Collection's unique brand positioning and focus on creating one-of-a-kind luxury hospitality experiences. The investment will support Auberge's continued strategic growth in the Americas, Europe and beyond, with a focus on gateway urban markets and high-profile experiential destinations. "This partnership further solidifies Auberge Resorts Collection's position as the leading name in boutique luxury hospitality and marks a new and exciting era for our world-class portfolio," said Dan Friedkin, chairman of Auberge Resorts Collection and chairman and CEO of The Friedkin Group. "BDT & MSD's differentiated, long-term capital and expertise in luxury hospitality investments makes them a perfect strategic partner and will allow us to further grow the strength of the Auberge brand." "Auberge is a world-class manager of distinctive luxury hotel properties, with an exceptional track record of delivering curated guest experiences in the world's leading hospitality markets. We are excited to be a part of its future and look forward to partnering with Auberge's talented team to build on its differentiated strengths and accelerate further growth," said Coburn Packard, partner & head of real estate at BDT & MSD. Since becoming part of The Friedkin Group in 2013, Auberge Resorts Collection has grown into the leading name in boutique luxury hospitality, comprising 27 unparalleled properties across the U.S., Latin America and Europe, with a development pipeline of over a dozen hotels and two additional hotels planned to open in Florence and South Carolina this year. While each property is unique, all share a crafted approach to luxury and bring the essence of the location to life through one-of-a-kind design that reflects the destination, exceptional cuisine and dining experiences that attract both the local community and global traveler, innovative spas and wellness retreats and highly personalized service.

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

My Place Hotels of America Opens My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls, ID

PR Newswire | January 25, 2024

My Place Hotels of America has officially opened My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls, ID, in Idaho Falls, ID. This marks the 70th open and operating My Place property nationally. Guard Hospitality manages the property, which is owned by MP Idaho Falls and was developed by Legacy Builders. The 64-key property is pet-friendly and offers many amenities, including complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi, onsite laundry, a grilling station, and a 24-hour grab-and-go store stocked with food, beverages, and other necessities. Each guestroom includes a full kitchen and coffee maker. The property sits just minutes from the heart of historic downtown Idaho Falls and is adjacent to the new Snake River Landing Development. Idaho Falls is the largest city East of Idaho's capital, with an estimated population of approximately 64,000 people. The city serves as the commercial, cultural, and healthcare hub for Eastern Idaho, Western Wyoming, and Southern Montana. Idaho Falls' location in the greater Bonneville County is often referred to as the "Gateway to Yellowstone Park" due to its proximity to one of the nation's most popular national parks and its own recreational activities. My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls is also the official hotel partner of the Idaho Falls Spud Kings, one of the newest franchises in the United States Premier Hockey League (USPHL)'s Tier 3 Mountain Division, and is minutes from Mountain America Center, where the Spud Kings play. "We were very excited to see My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls officially open its doors at the end of 2023," stated Ryan Rivett, co-founder and CEO of My Place Hotels. "This property boasts an incredible location, and we are confident that our robust offerings will distinguish us in this dynamic market. As we look forward to additional openings in 2024, we are eager to leverage our momentum to expand our presence with a focus on strategic growth."

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

Sonesta Announces First Sonesta Es Suites Ground Up Development

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

Sonesta International Hotels Corporation (Sonesta) today announced plans for the construction of a new Sonesta ES Suites in Port Charlotte, Florida. This new property, expected to open in Spring 2025, marks the first Sonesta ES Suites brand project developed from the ground up. "We are excited that Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be our first purpose-built location for the brand," said Brian Quinn, Sonesta's Chief Development Officer. "The Sonesta ES Suites brand stands out as an attractive choice for franchisees looking for an upscale option to capitalize on the continued dependable performance of extended stay hotels." "Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will benefit business travelers and tourists who are looking for accommodations near the beaches, golf courses, parks and other attractions that Port Charlotte has to offer," said Alan Lane, one of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte's owners. "The addition of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte to our diverse portfolio reflects Commonwealth Hotels' unwavering commitment to providing an unparalleled guest experience through visionary development, ethical practices and a steadfast dedication to superior service," said Jennifer Porter, President of Commonwealth Hotels, the hotel's management company. To be located at 1321 Claburn Circle in Port Charlotte, Florida, the Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be an upscale extended-stay hotel spanning four floors and offering 117 rooms with amenities including breakfast and dining services, an outdoor pool, fitness room, market pantry, guest laundry, onsite parking and more. The location of the new hotel is close to over 20 colleges and universities, two hospitals, more than 70 parks and recreational spaces, more than 12 miles of beaches, 14 golf courses and numerous other attractions. Guests of this location will be able to earn or redeem points in the award winning Sonesta Travel Pass loyalty program.

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

Auberge Resorts Collection Announces Strategic Partnership with Bdt & Msd Partners

PR Newswire | February 02, 2024

The Friedkin Group announced today that the company has entered into a strategic partnership with BDT & MSD Partners ("BDT & MSD"), a merchant bank built to serve the distinct needs of business owners and strategic, long-term investors. BDT & MSD, through its affiliated hospitality investment vehicle, will make a minority investment in Auberge Resorts Collection, the manager of the award-winning portfolio of luxury hotels, resorts, residences and private clubs set in some of the world's most desirable locations. In addition, BDT & MSD's hospitality vehicle intends to invest significant capital towards acquiring and developing luxury hotel and residential assets that will be branded and managed by Auberge Resorts Collection. The partnership reflects BDT & MSD's belief in Auberge Resorts Collection's unique brand positioning and focus on creating one-of-a-kind luxury hospitality experiences. The investment will support Auberge's continued strategic growth in the Americas, Europe and beyond, with a focus on gateway urban markets and high-profile experiential destinations. "This partnership further solidifies Auberge Resorts Collection's position as the leading name in boutique luxury hospitality and marks a new and exciting era for our world-class portfolio," said Dan Friedkin, chairman of Auberge Resorts Collection and chairman and CEO of The Friedkin Group. "BDT & MSD's differentiated, long-term capital and expertise in luxury hospitality investments makes them a perfect strategic partner and will allow us to further grow the strength of the Auberge brand." "Auberge is a world-class manager of distinctive luxury hotel properties, with an exceptional track record of delivering curated guest experiences in the world's leading hospitality markets. We are excited to be a part of its future and look forward to partnering with Auberge's talented team to build on its differentiated strengths and accelerate further growth," said Coburn Packard, partner & head of real estate at BDT & MSD. Since becoming part of The Friedkin Group in 2013, Auberge Resorts Collection has grown into the leading name in boutique luxury hospitality, comprising 27 unparalleled properties across the U.S., Latin America and Europe, with a development pipeline of over a dozen hotels and two additional hotels planned to open in Florence and South Carolina this year. While each property is unique, all share a crafted approach to luxury and bring the essence of the location to life through one-of-a-kind design that reflects the destination, exceptional cuisine and dining experiences that attract both the local community and global traveler, innovative spas and wellness retreats and highly personalized service.

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

My Place Hotels of America Opens My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls, ID

PR Newswire | January 25, 2024

My Place Hotels of America has officially opened My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls, ID, in Idaho Falls, ID. This marks the 70th open and operating My Place property nationally. Guard Hospitality manages the property, which is owned by MP Idaho Falls and was developed by Legacy Builders. The 64-key property is pet-friendly and offers many amenities, including complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi, onsite laundry, a grilling station, and a 24-hour grab-and-go store stocked with food, beverages, and other necessities. Each guestroom includes a full kitchen and coffee maker. The property sits just minutes from the heart of historic downtown Idaho Falls and is adjacent to the new Snake River Landing Development. Idaho Falls is the largest city East of Idaho's capital, with an estimated population of approximately 64,000 people. The city serves as the commercial, cultural, and healthcare hub for Eastern Idaho, Western Wyoming, and Southern Montana. Idaho Falls' location in the greater Bonneville County is often referred to as the "Gateway to Yellowstone Park" due to its proximity to one of the nation's most popular national parks and its own recreational activities. My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls is also the official hotel partner of the Idaho Falls Spud Kings, one of the newest franchises in the United States Premier Hockey League (USPHL)'s Tier 3 Mountain Division, and is minutes from Mountain America Center, where the Spud Kings play. "We were very excited to see My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls officially open its doors at the end of 2023," stated Ryan Rivett, co-founder and CEO of My Place Hotels. "This property boasts an incredible location, and we are confident that our robust offerings will distinguish us in this dynamic market. As we look forward to additional openings in 2024, we are eager to leverage our momentum to expand our presence with a focus on strategic growth."

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

Sonesta Announces First Sonesta Es Suites Ground Up Development

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

Sonesta International Hotels Corporation (Sonesta) today announced plans for the construction of a new Sonesta ES Suites in Port Charlotte, Florida. This new property, expected to open in Spring 2025, marks the first Sonesta ES Suites brand project developed from the ground up. "We are excited that Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be our first purpose-built location for the brand," said Brian Quinn, Sonesta's Chief Development Officer. "The Sonesta ES Suites brand stands out as an attractive choice for franchisees looking for an upscale option to capitalize on the continued dependable performance of extended stay hotels." "Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will benefit business travelers and tourists who are looking for accommodations near the beaches, golf courses, parks and other attractions that Port Charlotte has to offer," said Alan Lane, one of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte's owners. "The addition of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte to our diverse portfolio reflects Commonwealth Hotels' unwavering commitment to providing an unparalleled guest experience through visionary development, ethical practices and a steadfast dedication to superior service," said Jennifer Porter, President of Commonwealth Hotels, the hotel's management company. To be located at 1321 Claburn Circle in Port Charlotte, Florida, the Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be an upscale extended-stay hotel spanning four floors and offering 117 rooms with amenities including breakfast and dining services, an outdoor pool, fitness room, market pantry, guest laundry, onsite parking and more. The location of the new hotel is close to over 20 colleges and universities, two hospitals, more than 70 parks and recreational spaces, more than 12 miles of beaches, 14 golf courses and numerous other attractions. Guests of this location will be able to earn or redeem points in the award winning Sonesta Travel Pass loyalty program.

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