Brunei launches tourism campaign amid outrage at new penal code

"The abode of peace beckons". So says the promotional literature. But Brunei's latest tourism tagline jars somewhat with the reality on the ground: yesterday the country introduced death by stoning for people found guilty of homosexuality and adultery. Brunei's new penal code, which punishes thieves by amputating their limbs, has been widely condemned by human rights groups, and Hollywood stars such as George Clooney, who has called for a boycott of hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei; a property portfolio that includes London's Dorchester."Brunei's new penal code is barbaric to the core, imposing archaic punishments for acts that shouldn't even be crimes," said Phil Robertson, Human Rights Watch's deputy Asia director. "Sultan Hassanal should immediately suspend amputations, stoning, and all other rights-abusing provisions and punishments."



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