Chinese tourists contribute $190m revenues in Ethiopia’s total revenue

Ethiopia recorded USD 190 million in revenue from 50,626 Chinese tourists that visited the country in 2018, an Ethiopian official said on Wednesday, April 3. China is the third largest source of tourists visiting Ethiopia, only after the US and Britain.The number of Chinese touristsvisiting Ethiopia in 2018 represented a surge of 11.7 percent from that of the previous year, at 45,307. Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MoCT) Public and International Relations Director Gezahegn Abate told Xinhua that better food and accommodation facilities will likely attract more Chinese visitors."MoCT is encouraging Chinese investment in Ethiopia's hospitality sector, with a view to dramatically increase the number of Chinese tourists," Abate said. "Ethiopia is also implementing incentives for entrepreneurs involved in the tourism and hospitality industry, including duty-free arrangements for construction materials," he said.



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