Egypt tourism ministry joins hands with antiquities ministry for boosting tourism

With the flourishing archeological discoveries in several provinces in Egypt this year, the Tourism Ministry of the country is joining hands with the Antiquities Ministry for organizing ceremonial events for announcing boosting tourism that is currently recovering in the country after years of recession.Both ministries are inviting foreign media outlets to cover the discoveries along with foreign ambassadors to witness them, considering them as messengers to convey a message to the world about Egypt’s safety and unique antiquities. On the World Heritage Day of April 18, the ministries marked the international event by announcing the discovery of a large 3,500-year-old rock-cut tomb on the Nile River’s west bank near the Valley of Kings in Upper Egypt’s monument-rich province of Luxor.Egypt Tourism Minister Rania al-Mashat said, “These various discoveries, along with the different exhibitions of Egyptian antiquities abroad, attract more tourists to come to Egypt.”



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