FASCO Travel Management China joins GlobalStar Travel Management

FASCO Travel Management has joined GlobalStar Travel Management as their newest Partner representing China. FASCO was founded in 1984 and is based in Shanghai but has a client base all over China. FASCO is dedicated to Corporate Travel and realise an annual turnover of over US $120 million and employs over 140 staff. Connected to TravelSky and Travelport they were the first official member of IATA in East China. FASCO is also one of the seven executive committee members of IATA. As a leading Chinese local travel management company, FASCO has realised the special nature of foreign companies in the social environment of China based on their strong CAAC aviation background and their rich service experience with more than 600 corporate clients. FASCO has followed the footsteps of the times, innovated high-end personalised service and development of travel systems and provides creative service solutions for key account clients to start a new model of intelligent travel management service. FASCO has developed their own online solutions initially launched in 2007 and kept in development since. Over 50% of FASCO’s client base uses their online booking platform including OBT/APP/WeChat, or intelligent FASCO’s travel systems with many clients’ OA/Finance/Expense systems to achieve more efficiencies, compliance and cost saving targets.



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