Travel Technology

FCM Transforms its Brand Identity by Developing New Tech Platform

With the worldwide pandemic causing a seismic shift in the business travel industry, FCM has focused on it to address clients' problem areas and their travel programs by putting resources into new technology, rapid implementation, enhanced account management, and sustainable and secure travel.

FCM's strong new look is intended to grandstand the brands' particularly adaptable and unpredictable way to deal with giving lithe travel management services to its clients internationally and locally. The start to finish rebrand has been dispatched in 97 nations across all sites, customer communications, and social media platforms.

A core component of the declaration is that FCM is moving forward with the advancement of a notable exclusive technology that straightforwardly focuses on clients' trouble spots with current and heritage corporate travel technology. The in-house stage is an omnichannel offering that is being created following broad examination universally among clients to understand the various worries of their bookers, travelers, and managers. Discoveries of this exploration uncovered clients need a sweeping stage that is predictable across all business sectors, yet in addition completely adaptable with a positive client experience and straightforward UI.

FCM’s global chief technology officer Adrian Lopez said the vision for the platform is based on addressing six key pillars: a globally consistent booking experience; always available travel assistance; traveller safety and wellbeing support; sustainability; AI powered reporting and savings, and flexible integration capabilities.

“The development of FCM Platform’s core experience is already well advanced, including a new proprietary online booking solution planned for key markets and integration of AI enhanced chatbot tool Sam as the digital ‘avatar’, providing live chat and real-time assistance across all of the platform’s channels,” said Lopez.

With powered-up features like AI powered reporting, allowing a search experience similar to that of Google for actionability of data, customers in several regions around the globe have a lot to look forward to as they begin testing the FCM Platform prior to the first phase of onboarding later this year.

“We are very excited to unveil FCM’s new brand and also to reveal that 2021 will be a landmark year with the launch of our ground-breaking proprietary technology platform,” said Marcus Eklund, global managing director in FCM.



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