5 Key Trends in Tourism and Destination Marketing

Marketing destinations and tourism attractions require a unique combination of content marketing, digital advertising, social media, and email marketing. In this webinar, JB Media Institute co-founders and lead instructors Justin Belleme and Sarah Benoit will share five key trends to better market your business or organization, including growth and expansion of Instagram advertising, the increased importance of diversifying your video production strategy, and the power of Google grants to drive free traffic for organizations like museums and historic attractions. Register for our webinar to learn more about these three trends and to uncover the final two.
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Webinar The Ultimate Unmanaged-to-Managed Travel Checklist

If you’ve never managed corporate travel before, it’s difficult to know where to begin — Which features make sense for your business and employees? How much visibility and reporting will you get? Will traveling employees even bother to use it in the first place? Hosted by TripActions Director of Customer Success Sam Peters and M
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Online Bookings Research

Travel Tripper

At the beginning of this year, the hotel industry became rich with new traveler research and insights. In three distinct traveler studies, we uncovered: 1) the top sites where travelers search for and book hotels, 2) what travelers see and click on when searching for hotels, and 3) how travelers view and interact with hotel websites.In this 1-hour webinar, attendees will learn more about these traveler behaviors and discover ways to implement smarter hotel marketing as a result. Researchers at TrustYou, Fuel Travel, and Travel Tripper will discuss
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How to Attract Israeli Tourists to your Destination

WishTrip Enterprise

The webinar is entitled 'How to Attract Israeli Tourists to your Destination.' Israelisrepresents a highly-prized category of quality travellers.
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Yas Island : A Holiday Destination Like No Other

Online Experiences

Surrounded by crystal-clear waters of the Arabian Gulf and dotted with some of the capital’s most iconic landmarks, Yas Island is home to one-of-a-kind experiences that are guaranteed to revitalize your senses and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re looking for a dose of adrenaline or a peaceful sanctuary to unwind, Yas Island caters to all tastes and ages, providing a world of opportunities that is sure to delight, inspire and keep you entertained.
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