Discover Egypt in 2019 with Insight Vacations

Learn about the Great Pyramids of Giza and ancient temples, tombs and treasures that line the vast River Nile and have been attracting visitors to Egypt for over 4,000 years. Although the pyramids have come to symbolize this exotic destination, they’re just a small portion of what this timeless land has to offer. Watch the sun rise on Mount Sinai, spend time in the colorful capital of Cairo, visit the Valley of the Kings where Tutankhamun’s tomb was found, explore the beaches of the Red Sea Coast, and get to know Egypt’s friendly people. When you travel with Insight Vacations, we show you the insights, not just the sights.
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The Role of Social Media Content Across the Travel Buyer Journey


Your visitors love sharing their experiences on social media. And lucky for you, the visuals they share are the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. They’re more abundant, authentic, and trusted by future visitors, and can influence travelers throughout their planning and purchasing process.
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How To Sell Africa with Goway


From spectacular scenery, wonderful wildlife, rich history and culture and beautiful beaches, the African continent truly offers something to suit all your clients’ needs. Join David Kennedy Gale as he shares his expert insight into popular areas, and tips on how to position Africa to your client creating great value propositions and once in a lifetime experiences.
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National tourism strategy consultation webinar

Tourism Australia

This on-demand webinar has been published to assist Australian industry with key points on a draft report developed by the Beyond Tourism 2020 Steering Committee.
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How to cater for business travellers and the corporate market at your hotel


As global business travel continues to grow and diversify hotels face more challenges than ever to meet the specific needs of business travellers. Given that more women and millennials are undertaking business travel, a one-size fits all approach to marketing and distribution will no longer work.It’s more important than ever for hotels to develop focused strategies to engage business travellers.
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