Egencia business travel management solution

Getting lost in the ocean of travel management companies (TMCs), not sure how to choose the right one? Egencia gives you the support and tools you need to conveniently manage travel, increase savings and compliance, while keeping your travellers happy. Watch this on-demand webinar to see how it feels when a business travel solution offers you everything you need for easy and efficient travel management.You deserve a seamless technology experience. Don’t settle for anything less than what you and your travellers deserve no compromises.
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Expanding the travel blogger toolbox for 2019

Travel Massive

Travel blogging is no longer as simple as opening a free website and writing down some funny words. Travel bloggers and content creators are expected to be wordsmiths, marketing wizards, community managers and savvy business folk. And that's just the start of the skills that you need to be a successful blogger.
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A New Vacation Concept is Born: All Fun Inclusive

Hotel Xcaret

A sophisticated all-inclusive that combines its unique eco-integrative architecture, with the most exciting natural parks in the world!
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Chinese Outbound Tourism – 2018 in Review and What’s Coming in 2019


Catch up on the trends that defined Chinese outbound tourism in 2018, including consumer behavior, digital marketing, and the Chinese travel industry. In the first 2019 edition of Dragon Trail’s monthly webinar series, we’re joined by Michael Jones from Chinese travel-focused PR company Create Consulting. Together, we’ll look back at the biggest developments in Chinese tourism and travel marketing over the past year, and discuss what travel marketers should be ready for in 2019.
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Tapping into the power of authentic travel experiences for hotel marketing

Travel Tripper

Today’s travelers are bombarded with choice—according to Google, travelers will conduct hundreds of searches, visit hundreds of websites, and view thousands of images and videos just in the course of deciding where to go and what to book.In this ultra-competitive market, how can you ensure that your hotel gets out ahead of the competition? The answer: don’t just sell rooms, sell the travel experience.In this webinar, learn about how travel experience influences the customer booking journey, and discover useful tips on how to better integrate the right visuals, locality, and storytelling into your online hotel marketing efforts to win over guests.
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