Going Global: Trends in Travel Management

As more companies expand the footprint of managed travel programs to new countries and regions—or refine existing initiatives--what policies, technology, communication strategies and practices should they consider?Listen as travel management professionals share the latest trends and watch words on policies, local practices, technology and new developments during this 60-minute BTN Group thought-leadership webinar, sponsored by Travelport. Ask your own questions during the live Q&A.
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Expanding the travel blogger toolbox for 2019

Travel Massive

Travel blogging is no longer as simple as opening a free website and writing down some funny words. Travel bloggers and content creators are expected to be wordsmiths, marketing wizards, community managers and savvy business folk. And that's just the start of the skills that you need to be a successful blogger.
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Traveler-Driven Program and Policy Adjustments to Consider in the Next Era of Travel

Between the pandemic and economic turbulence, the past two years have caused a seismic shift in the classic types of business travelers. Pre-pandemic road warriors may be traveling less, while remote workers gathering for team meetings have created an entirely new category of travelers. These and other shifts require travel managers to take a more nuanced look at who’s traveling and how they’re spending, then adjust policy to fit these new or changed traveler types.
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Tapping into the power of authentic travel experiences for hotel marketing

Travel Tripper

Today’s travelers are bombarded with choice—according to Google, travelers will conduct hundreds of searches, visit hundreds of websites, and view thousands of images and videos just in the course of deciding where to go and what to book.In this ultra-competitive market, how can you ensure that your hotel gets out ahead of the competition? The answer: don’t just sell rooms, sell the travel experience.In this webinar, learn about how travel experience influences the customer booking journey, and discover useful tips on how to better integrate the right visuals, locality, and storytelling into your online hotel marketing efforts to win over guests.
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Flight Booking 2.0: The Next Generation Business Travel Experience


With new industry developments such as Next Generation Storefront (NGS) and New Distribution Capability (NDC), business travelers are finally getting the booking experience in corporate travel programs that they see directly on airline and other e-commerce websites. Corporate travel is now transforming to reflect the innovation, diverse choice and flexibility that airlines offer and travelers expect.
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