Secrets of Selling to the Affluent Traveler

Luxury travel is one of the fastest growing segments in the industry. Luxury cruise lines are investing billions of dollars to meet demand. By 2020, luxury cruise inventory will have more than doubled since 2016 and again by 2025. It’s not just cruises. Luxury niche and adventure tour companies are experiencing similar growth.
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Visibility, Connectivity and Sustainability in the Next Era of Travel


As we quickly move into this next era of travel, travel managers must have answers ready for several key questions. Do you have visibility into your travel and spend management? Do you have the right tools, technologies and partners in place that ensure you have a seamless end to end travel, payment and expense process? And finally, as your travellers get back on the road, are you empowering them to make smart, sustainable travel choices?
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The State of European Innovation


Phocuswright and innovation experts led a thought-provoking conversation about the state of European travel innovation on April 19, 2018. Download this presentation deck and recording to learn about the current state of investments and the funding environment, how industry venture funds are financing startups to advance strategic initiatives. conichi, the 2017 European Travel Innovator of the Year, also shared insights on the challenges of founding and scaling a startup in Europe.
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The Beat Research: Today’s Corporate Travel Agent

Delta Air Lines

It may surprise industry outsiders to learn that frontline travel agents remain a vital force in corporate travel. They weren't wiped out by the Internet. They weren't erased by self-booking tools. And, no, artificial intelligence and bots aren't taking over anytime soon. In a new research report, The Beat surveyed hundreds of travel counselors who work each day on the travel management company frontlines. Join us for an hour-long webinar to review the findings and discuss with industry experts:
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Getting ready for new air cargo PLACI regulatory requirements

In this on-demand webinar, we discuss how new and changing Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) requirements including EU-ICS2 are impacting the aviation industry. Furthermore, we explain which steps you can take to prepare for compliance.
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