Today, travelers don’t purchase packages like they once did. We search online, base our decision-making on reviews made from strangers, share experiences – good and bad – on social media, and even buy our airline tickets or make hotel reservations on our smartphone. When it comes to travel marketing, and more specifically online marketing, travel brands often struggle with the endless possibilities, new technologies and emerging social networks. Whether you are a destination, a hotel or B&B, a transportation company, a restaurant, an attraction or perhaps a travel agency or tour operator, it’s certainly a challenge to keep up with the changes and prioritize among the meaningful tactics that will generate the best bang for your buck.
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I discovered the most amazing way to travel for discount prices and stay in 5 star resorts, how to get free airline tickets and rental cars and I'm sharing it all on Sunday at 9pm -- its like Costco or Sam's class for travel but even better.
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In our popular 2019 Travel Trends Report, we found that while consumer preferences continue to evolve, so do their travel booking habits for tours and activities.With data gathered from bookings processed via TrekkSoft, and qualitative survey responses gathered from tour companies around the world, we'll show you when and where your customers will book their next trip.As will all TrekkSoft webinars, you'll leave with practical tips and ideas on how to be present where your customers are, and what you can do to gear up for a successful 2019.
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This webinar is specific to the Hospitality Industry and provides information on where disputes originate during the customer journey and how to prevent & manage those disputes. This webinar will also highlight the updated Damages & Smoking Fee Policy that goes into effect in October 2019.
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