Hospitality Trends

Next Generation of Guest Experience in Hospitality

September 24, 2021

Next Generation of Guest
The hospitality industry is evolving at an
unprecedented pace. Properties must solve for
expanded and differentiated guest
expectations driven by new technologies and
changed traveler behavior, as well as create
improved operating efficiencies through
automated solutions. The emergence of
COVID-19 sent shockwaves throughout the
travel industry, forcing operators to think of
innovative ways to provide guests with an
environment that makes them feel safe while
optimizing the operators’ finances. As a result,
connectivity has become a major factor in
guests’ overall experience and satisfaction.
Many of these solutions rely on autonomous
data collection and wireless control requiring
low latency, increased connection capacity and
high reliability -- the three pillars of 5G. Robust
wireless connectivity enables properties to
understand their guests’ behaviors and how
efficiently their property is being operated.


Liberty International Tourism Group

Liberty International Tourism Group is a worldwide biggest privately owned DMC (Destination Management Company) offering and perfecting its services with a #PersonalTouchWorldwide over 27 years.

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Leveraging fiber to optimize hospitality networks

whitePaper | March 9, 2022

As network connectivity plays an increasingly important role in an intelligent converged infrastructure, hospitality owners and brands are challenged to find ways to leverage technology in order to improve their guest experience. Historically, most hotel networks weren’t designed from the ground up. Instead, they slowly evolved to support a hodgepodge of existing technologies such as DSL (digital subscriber line), DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification), and (data transmission over telephone wiring, coaxial cables, power lines). While these technologies were adequate at the time and maximized the life-span of the current cabling infrastructure, guests continue to demand more from their hospitality network. Today, guests expect a modern hospitality network to offer power, wired and wireless connectivity, and an increasing number of new technologies such as internet of things (IoT) as part of their guest experience.

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Hospitality Takes the Digital Highway

whitePaper | June 21, 2022

consumer trends, will chart the new age of travel. It is, therefore, imperative that the industry not only meets the ongoing requirements, but also anticipates its talent requirements for the future. By 2029, it is expected to account for about 53 million jobs.

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Next-gen hotel guests have checked in The changing guest experience

whitePaper | May 16, 2022

When we imagine the golden era of hospitality, visions of turn-of-thetwentieth-century grandeur and elaborate hotels with live-in general managers (GMs) come to mind. We think of these GMs briskly moving throughout the property, personally knowing each guest and taking care of their every need.

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whitePaper | February 10, 2020

In recent years, there have been remarkable breakthroughs in technology which have led to exciting advancements in the way travel and leisure operators conduct business and attract new consumers. It’s been a period of discovery, with operators finding that the strategies that worked in the past, don’t work now. As the recent fate of Thomas Cook shows, there has been casualties as a result. Technology developments are showing no sign of slowing down, as innovation races to keep up with consumer’s expectations. While some brands have already adopted experience apps and slick social media campaigns, others are still in the discovery stage; soaking in insight while incrementally applying updates to their business model. The more businesses lag behind, the more their counterparts will thrive, and that’s a dangerous position to be in. Generation Z, the first digitally native generation, is quickly moving into the prime purchasing position.

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Designing for Hospitality Spaces

whitePaper | November 21, 2022

The foundations of good design are form and function, and this is true in the hospitality industry as well. Above all, it is critical that the interior design of hospitality spaces creates an inviting atmosphere for guests while ensuring safety and security, a smooth flow and an engaging spatial experience. A hospitality space's foundational backdrop is made up of its flooring and walls. When choosing flooring and cladding materials, a range of considerations come into play: performance, safety, maintenance costs, and more. For hightraffic areas, they must be durable and functional, while delivering premium, on-trend aesthetics. The selection of materials that add value and improve both comfort and visual appeal is essential to the establishment's success.

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whitePaper | December 22, 2021

Tourism suffered the greatest crisis on record in 2020. International arrivals plunged by 73% as the COVID-19 pandemic prompted nearly all governments around the world to introduce a range of measures to restrict travel, including border closures to tourists.

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Liberty International Tourism Group

Liberty International Tourism Group is a worldwide biggest privately owned DMC (Destination Management Company) offering and perfecting its services with a #PersonalTouchWorldwide over 27 years.
