Travel Technology, Hospitality Trends

Oracle Hospitality HotelCloud Services

July 14, 2022

Oracle Hospitality HotelCloud
10,000 Transactions is defined as ten thousand unique transactions processed through the Oracle
Cloud Service. Transactions may describe various transaction types, including but not limited to sales,
returns, exchanges, loyalty transactions, deal transactions, gift card transactions, inventory
transactions, petty cash transactions, and/or administrative transactions.
For the purposes of Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service, a transaction is defined as a paired
message unit consisting of a single request and a corresponding response, which can be initiated from
either Oracle or the connected external system. 10,000 transactions are measured on a monthly basis
and may describe various transaction types, including but not limited to reservation, rate, availability,
profile, membership, configuration, and/or administrative data.


Pathfinder Travels

Pathfinder's idea is quite simple. We want to give you strong experiences in spectacular and beautiful mountain environments. We do this by arranging ski and hiking trips, top climbs and special trips. We often choose to go to areas and countries that make the journeys loaded with a cultural dimension and that makes the travel experience itself bigger. Our travels are very much characterized by how we think it should be traveling. Forget all that big groups, tourist traps and traditional travel guides are called. Small groups, flexibility and personal service are rather our sign. We have since the start in 1999 strived to create unique, self-produced trips with Swedish tour guides. Pathfinder was among the first in Sweden to arrange ski trips to countries such as Iran and Morocco.

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The hotel of the future 2022

whitePaper | June 21, 2022

Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, global tourism had experienced a 10-year period of continuous growth fueled by the expansion of the global economy and the emergence of new tourism outflow markets in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Despite the headwinds from geopolitical and trade tensions, the slowing of economic growth as well as the collapse of Thomas Cook and certain European low-cost carriers, international tourist arrivals and receipts showed growth in 2019

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Wi-Fi in Hospitality

whitePaper | October 31, 2022

Hospitality is an extremely challenging environment for designing and deploying Wi-Fi networks. The client device population of the guests literally changes on a nightly basis, so there is a constant barrage of new and unknown devices that are using the network. It is also quite common for guests to have multiple client devices (i.e., laptops, tablets, and smartphones) connected simultaneously, and to use their own devices for entertainment, such as streaming media from Netflix or Amazon Prime. Guests expect the same level of experience that they are used to at home

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Next Generation of Guest Experience in Hospitality

whitePaper | September 24, 2021

The hospitality industry is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Properties must solve for expanded and differentiated guest expectations driven by new technologies and changed traveler behavior, as well as create improved operating efficiencies through automated solutions. The emergence of COVID-19 sent shockwaves throughout the travel industry, forcing operators to think of innovative ways to provide guests with an environment that makes them feel safe while optimizing the operators’ finances. As a result, connectivity has become a major factor in guests’ overall experience and satisfaction. Many of these solutions rely on autonomous data collection and wireless control requiring low latency, increased connection capacity and high reliability -- the three pillars of 5G. Robust wireless connectivity enables properties to understand their guests’ behaviors and how efficiently their property is being operated.

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Safeguarding the future of travel

whitePaper | July 8, 2021

This whitepaper explains: Travel is an ultra-high-risk sector for card acquirers because most payments are for future delivery. If merchants fail to fulfill a service for which they have taken payment (often months in advance) customers can recover their money from the acquirer by initiating chargeback. Acquirers traditionally demand substantial cash collateral (holdbacks) or other financial security from travel merchants to mitigate this risk. Holdbacks lock away substantial funds for travel companies and can therefore be highly damaging to liquidity. High-profile collapses and the COVID-19 crisis have driven acquirers to impose harsher terms or quit the travel sector completely.

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Travel and the psychology behind spontaneity

whitePaper | October 14, 2022

Spontaneity is highly associated with overall well-being.Spontaneous people are dependable, agreeable and more open to experience.Generally, people who plan less for their holidays have overall better well-being.People who are more spontaneous report enjoying their holidays more,and this has a substantial positive effect on well-being.

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An Uncertain Future: COVID-19's Global Impact on the Travel Industry

whitePaper | April 14, 2021

The insights in this whitepaper are based on SimilarWeb data. To gain an exhaustive and unified view of the travel industry, we analyzed internet traffic and user acquisition strategies for the top travel (OTA, flights, and accommodation) sites in the United States and select countries worldwide. The data includes traffic from desktop and mobile web, and provides year-over-year and month-over-month comparisons.

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Pathfinder Travels

Pathfinder's idea is quite simple. We want to give you strong experiences in spectacular and beautiful mountain environments. We do this by arranging ski and hiking trips, top climbs and special trips. We often choose to go to areas and countries that make the journeys loaded with a cultural dimension and that makes the travel experience itself bigger. Our travels are very much characterized by how we think it should be traveling. Forget all that big groups, tourist traps and traditional travel guides are called. Small groups, flexibility and personal service are rather our sign. We have since the start in 1999 strived to create unique, self-produced trips with Swedish tour guides. Pathfinder was among the first in Sweden to arrange ski trips to countries such as Iran and Morocco.
