Hospitality Trends

The future of hospitality

February 1, 2022

The future of hospitality
The global hospitality sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Restaurants, hotels,
casinos, and sporting venues have stood empty for months as governments and public
health authorities acted to contain the spread of the coronavirus. These organizations
moved swiftly to mitigate the impact on their business, furloughing staff, reducing costs,
pivoting online, and more, until given the green light to reopen.


Hotels & Preference

Comprising more than 150 independent hotels around the world, HOTELS & PREFERENCE is a French hotel chain which guarantees above all the best quality of services. Its 4 and 5-star Spa, Golf, Grand Cuisine or Design hotels are a true invitation to a life-changing journey.

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Achieving Breakthrough Savings with Traveler Demand and Behavior Strategies

whitePaper | February 22, 2020

For most travel managers, corporate travel spend is expected to decrease while expectations for a pleasurable travel experience remain high. Of travel dollars going toward internal initiatives alone, most companies already spend more than 50% of their budget. In response, Advito’s April Bridgeman and LinkedIn’s Leslie Hadden share their tips to faciliate the most practical, enjoyable and cost-effective travel experiences for employees.

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Guide to Digital Marketing for Tours, Activities, & Attractions

whitePaper | April 6, 2022

Attractions, tours, and activities marketers face unique challenges within the travel space. As a travel vertical that often deals with last-minute bookers and walk-ups, and still invests heavily in out-of-home advertising solutions, online marketing can seem daunting, time-consuming, or unnecessary. However, there is a massive opportunity to capture online bookings: operators sold $44 billion worth of experiences through their own websites and online travel agencies (OTAs) in 20191 indicating that there are more dollars for the taking, and more ways to engage with your potential visitors

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Business travel in 2022 and beyond

whitePaper | May 3, 2022

The restriction of people's movement was a stark reminder to business leaders: smart travel drives successful companies. As we emerge from the most profound global health crisis in more than a century, there is a unique opportunity to redefine the role of the travel manager.

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Hospitality Takes the Digital Highway

whitePaper | June 21, 2022

consumer trends, will chart the new age of travel. It is, therefore, imperative that the industry not only meets the ongoing requirements, but also anticipates its talent requirements for the future. By 2029, it is expected to account for about 53 million jobs.

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Leveraging fiber to optimize hospitality networks

whitePaper | March 9, 2022

As network connectivity plays an increasingly important role in an intelligent converged infrastructure, hospitality owners and brands are challenged to find ways to leverage technology in order to improve their guest experience. Historically, most hotel networks weren’t designed from the ground up. Instead, they slowly evolved to support a hodgepodge of existing technologies such as DSL (digital subscriber line), DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification), and (data transmission over telephone wiring, coaxial cables, power lines). While these technologies were adequate at the time and maximized the life-span of the current cabling infrastructure, guests continue to demand more from their hospitality network. Today, guests expect a modern hospitality network to offer power, wired and wireless connectivity, and an increasing number of new technologies such as internet of things (IoT) as part of their guest experience.

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Next Generation of Guest Experience in Hospitality

whitePaper | September 24, 2021

The hospitality industry is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Properties must solve for expanded and differentiated guest expectations driven by new technologies and changed traveler behavior, as well as create improved operating efficiencies through automated solutions. The emergence of COVID-19 sent shockwaves throughout the travel industry, forcing operators to think of innovative ways to provide guests with an environment that makes them feel safe while optimizing the operators’ finances. As a result, connectivity has become a major factor in guests’ overall experience and satisfaction. Many of these solutions rely on autonomous data collection and wireless control requiring low latency, increased connection capacity and high reliability -- the three pillars of 5G. Robust wireless connectivity enables properties to understand their guests’ behaviors and how efficiently their property is being operated.

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Hotels & Preference

Comprising more than 150 independent hotels around the world, HOTELS & PREFERENCE is a French hotel chain which guarantees above all the best quality of services. Its 4 and 5-star Spa, Golf, Grand Cuisine or Design hotels are a true invitation to a life-changing journey.
