Travel & Retail

February 14, 2018

The collaborative opportunities have always been so close. After all, the travel and hospitality sector circles the globe, with customer touch points at every airline, airport, hotel, and restaurant. Meanwhile, retailers fulfill consumers’ material needs and desires daily. Somehow the two industries are so close – and yet still so far. Despite their natural synergies, partnership opportunities between travel and retail have largely been limited to loyalty rewards and affinity credit cards.


The TreadRight Foundation

TreadRight’s guiding principle is to encourage sustainable tourism development through conservation, leadership and support for communities. We encourage each of our partners to use this principle to guide all of their actions, whether at our regional offices or when taking guests around the world. By providing grants to organisations that encourage sustainability in different destinations, we hope to maintain the natural attractions across the world that define each unique region. Foundation priorities are set by the Steering Committee, which includes sustainability leaders like Céline Cousteau and Costas Christ.

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whitePaper | October 10, 2022

Travel has probably crossed all of our minds at some point in the last few months. Holidays abroad, daytrips with the kids, or music festivals are all familiar summer experiences that require us to think about how we’ll get from A to B. But for disabled people, travelling anywhere is far from easy. For many, this summer has been one of renewed excitement and opportunity, with international travel being possible for the first time since the pandemic. Unfortunately, for people with disabilities, travel is all too often inaccessible, uncomfortable, and expensive. A recent survey found that two-thirds of the seven million Britons with limited mobility avoid flying altogether because it is so difficult.

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An Uncertain Future: COVID-19's Global Impact on the Travel Industry

whitePaper | April 14, 2021

The insights in this whitepaper are based on SimilarWeb data. To gain an exhaustive and unified view of the travel industry, we analyzed internet traffic and user acquisition strategies for the top travel (OTA, flights, and accommodation) sites in the United States and select countries worldwide. The data includes traffic from desktop and mobile web, and provides year-over-year and month-over-month comparisons.

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The sharing economy: Does it have a place in your managed travel program?

whitePaper | February 26, 2020

Thanks to major media exposure for companies like Airbnb and Uber, the “sharing economy” has emerged as a hot topic in travel, technology and business alike. In the consumer sector, Airbnb and Uber have been successful and have expanded rapidly.

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Next Generation of Guest Experience in Hospitality

whitePaper | September 24, 2021

The hospitality industry is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Properties must solve for expanded and differentiated guest expectations driven by new technologies and changed traveler behavior, as well as create improved operating efficiencies through automated solutions. The emergence of COVID-19 sent shockwaves throughout the travel industry, forcing operators to think of innovative ways to provide guests with an environment that makes them feel safe while optimizing the operators’ finances. As a result, connectivity has become a major factor in guests’ overall experience and satisfaction. Many of these solutions rely on autonomous data collection and wireless control requiring low latency, increased connection capacity and high reliability -- the three pillars of 5G. Robust wireless connectivity enables properties to understand their guests’ behaviors and how efficiently their property is being operated.

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The Evolving Digital State of the North American Travel Industry

whitePaper | January 5, 2020

The US travel space is rapidly changing. Driving this disruption are three major trends that go hand-in-hand: personalization, early stage consumer acquisitions, and mobile. Personalization is the biggest trend in travel. As of 2017, 57% of US travelers felt that brands should tailor their information based on the personal preferences or past behaviors of consumers. Google and other industry tech giants, like Facebook and Amazon, have been leading this charge through earlier, customized consumer acquisitions. The use of mobile has been paramount in the personalization of travel sales. Mobile also serves as a key platform in early customized consumer acquisitions, experiencing a 50% uptick in travel-related questions stemming from smartphones.

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Business travel in 2022 and beyond

whitePaper | May 3, 2022

The restriction of people's movement was a stark reminder to business leaders: smart travel drives successful companies. As we emerge from the most profound global health crisis in more than a century, there is a unique opportunity to redefine the role of the travel manager.

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The TreadRight Foundation

TreadRight’s guiding principle is to encourage sustainable tourism development through conservation, leadership and support for communities. We encourage each of our partners to use this principle to guide all of their actions, whether at our regional offices or when taking guests around the world. By providing grants to organisations that encourage sustainability in different destinations, we hope to maintain the natural attractions across the world that define each unique region. Foundation priorities are set by the Steering Committee, which includes sustainability leaders like Céline Cousteau and Costas Christ.
